Soldiers of Gloucestershire Museum has a week-long fun and educational programme of events lined up this February Half Term (Wednesday 22 to Sunday 26 February). Living History Week sees over 300 years of history come to life as visitors meet fierce Redcoat soldiers, World War I heroes and those who serve in the army today. The museum also has children’s trails and other family activities running throughout the week.
Once the half term is over, teachers and parents can discover what the museum can offer their children all year round. As well as fun events for the family, the museum also has a stimulating school’s programme where classes can either visit the museum or receive a visit from its team at school. The museum’s specialist subjects are World War I and World War II, aimed at KS1 and KS2. Each session can be specifically tailored for pupils in the classes taking part.
For teachers wishing to manage the lesson themselves, the museum has a box hire service, in which they can hire boxes containing a range of items, artefacts, books and activities. The subjects covered are Fossils and Dinosaurs, Romans, World War I and World War II.
So head to the Soldiers of Gloucestershire Museum this February half term for all your family entertainment. The museum is open from Wednesday to Sunday (10am-4pm) while a family ticket (two adults and up to three children) costs £12.
Soldiers of Gloucestershire Museum W:www.soldiersofglos.comFb: @soldiersofgloucestershire
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