Uncover the secrets of wetland creatures as your little ones dive into an unforgettable journey this half term along the eek!week Trail at Slimbridge Wetland Centre. Go pond dipping and discover what creatures lurk amongst the shadows: could you find blood worms or leeches, water fleas or water spiders?
Try your hand at making origami jumping toads or crafting recycled dragonflies. Then put your senses to the test with the sensory boxes along the trail where you can eek!sperience surprises of the hidden world.
Make eek!week unforgettable by booking your family to see Professor Slug’s House Of Bugs:
Ever wondered how strong an ant can be? Ready to teach a bee how to buzz? And who knew a dung beetle needed help creating perfume for its big date?The House of Bugs is abuzz with activity, a bug haven where Professor Slug and his esteemed bug experts (yes, that's you, the audience!) tackle bug dilemmas head-on. Will you be able to solve all the buggy-woes and save the day - or will mischievous wasps stir up chaos?
Brought to you by the co-creator of the award-winning ‘One Duck Down’, this wacky and interactive show boasts vibrant puppets, toe-tapping songs, and captivating bug insights – find all the booking details on WWT Slimbridge website under ‘What’s On’.
Make this October half term a bug-tastic memory for the whole family - let the eek!sploration begin!