Northern Ireland: News - September 2018

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26th September 2018

WIN WIN WIN We have 25 sets of Family Tickets (4 people) to attend the special screening of Smallfoot on Sat Oct 6 at Movie House Cityside Go to

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International Day of Peace celebrated in Ballycastle.

24th September 2018

The Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council has attended a World International Day of Peace gathering in Ballycastle. The event in the Save the Children shop was organised to celebrate the growing diversity of the local community and included music, dance and food from around the world. The...

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Borough's museums continue to make history at NI awards

24th September 2018

Three of the borough's museums, including council's Mid-Antrim Museum, have been recognised at a nationwide awards ceremony. The Accreditation Scheme sets nationally agreed standards for museums in the UK. It defines good practice and identifies agreed standards, thereby encouraging development....

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Record numbers explore the majesty of Sperrins and Killeter at Walking Festival

23rd September 2018

Hundreds of people put their hiking boots on and headed into the local countryside at the weekend for the 2018 Sperrins and Killeter Walking Festival. A number of new routes added to the public interest this year including a Brexit themed Beyond Borders walk and The Bright and Beautiful Walk which...

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Register for THIS YEAR'S Anti-Bullying Week & CREATIVE COMPETITION

13th September 2018

FINAL CALL FOR Local Schools AND Youth Organisations To Register for THIS YEAR'S Anti-Bullying Week AND TAKE PART IN CREATIVE COMPETITION   RESPECT is at the heart of this year's Anti-Bullying Week -   Schools and youth organisations across Northern Ireland have just...

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World’s biggest youth film festival returns to NI

9th September 2018

The world’s biggest youth film festival returns to Northern Ireland on November 7-23, with 22,633 free places available for film screenings and events for 5-19 year-olds.   Bookings opened today (September 5) for the sixth Into Film Festival 2018, which is open to schools, colleges,...

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Try out the new Blaze restaurant at Lisburn Bowl

3rd September 2018

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