Northern Ireland: News - May 2020

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£12million Covid-19 childcare support scheme now open

15th May 2020

£12million Covid-19 childcare support scheme now open to eligible providers. The scheme will enable childcare providers to meet the needs of key workers and vulnerable children during this difficult time

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New online learning platform

14th May 2020

A new online learning platform, developed and launched in Mid and East Antrim, is set to benefit hundreds of thousands of children across the UK as home schooling continues during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Launched this week, has been developed by Ballymena-born...

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New competition encourages young filmmakers to explore wonders of nature

12th May 2020

Northern Ireland’s young people are being encouraged to channel their inner Sir David Attenborough by making a movie about the wonders of nature. Film Education Charity Into Film today launched ‘Nature in Your Neighbourhood’, a new UK-wide filmmaking competition that calls on young...

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What is infant mental health and why does it matter so much during COVID-19?

3rd May 2020

Infant Mental Health is the term often used to describe the capacity of a child, during the first three years of life. It is the capacity to: form close relationships; recognise and express emotions; and explore and learn about their environment Babies are wired for connection! During...

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