Northern Ireland: News - June 2020

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Executive agrees changes to help families and most vulnerable

21st June 2020

Significant changes for families, children, young people and some of the most vulnerable in society have been agreed today by the Executive. Progress has been made towards schools returning to normal, with the first pupils going back on August 24. There are plans to run summer schemes for children...

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Further relaxations to coronavirus restrictions

13th June 2020

Further changes to the coronavirus regulations have been approved recently. The public should continue to follow the public health advice - stick to social distancing rules, and practice good hand and respiratory hygiene to stay safe and save lives. Relaxations The relaxations include allowing: indoor...

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Lion King drive-in Movie June 14th @10am Titanic Quarter

7th June 2020

Join MayWe & Redbox to experience a Lion King drive-in Movie on one of the largest outdoor screens in Ireland! Profits in aid of QUB Covid-19 Research BOOK NOW

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Update on post-primary transfer process

3rd June 2020

Parents and carers will receive letters today informing them of the post-primary school in which their child has been placed. Almost 1,000 additional places have been created in post-primary schools, resulting in the highest proportion of children placed at this stage of the process in three years. In...

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