Northern Ireland: News - October 2020

news item

Council announces new winter opening times

25th October 2020

Derry City and Strabane District Council today issued details of new winter opening hours across a number of facilities which come into operation this week. The changes mainly affect outdoor sites and the public are encouraged to check Council's website for further details before visiting. Earlier...

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Inexpensive Ways To Entertain Your Kids During A Locked Down Half-Term

16th October 2020

Half-term is upon us and with every passing day there appears to be more restrictions and lockdown measures put into place. Entertaining children during half-term will be a challenge for a lot of parents, especially when many will still be working from home. Below are some tips and ideas to help you...

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Council and NIFRS working together for home safety

16th October 2020

On average 17,000 people are admitted to our hospitals following a home accident each year and countless more attend A&E Departments and GP practices. Although falls are the most common accident cause, other hazards include poisoning, fire and smoke inhalation, strangulation (example by blind...

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