Northern Ireland: News - June 2021

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Online applications open for free school meals and uniform grants

27th June 2021

Families entitled to extra support with school meals and uniforms can now apply online. Education Minister, Michelle McIlveen said: “The Education Authority (EA) has sought to improve services for families by making it easier for them to apply for this important service. “I would encourage...

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Thousands of NI schoolchildren encouraged to tell their own stories

16th June 2021

Thousands of schoolchildren are being encouraged to tell their own stories thanks to a new, colourful booklet that has been distributed free to schools across Northern Ireland. Staff from Education Charity Into Film have invented Story Builder, an exciting and interactive teaching resource that uses...

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Weir announces £4.5m for School Summer Scheme

14th June 2021

  A total of 451 educational settings have applied to run a voluntary summer scheme. Further information is available at:

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Summer of fun on the horizon in Mid and East Antrim!

8th June 2021

There's a summer of fun on the horizon in Mid and East Antrim, as bookings are now open for the MEActive Summer Camps   There's a summer of fun on the horizon in Mid and East Antrim, as bookings are now open for a packed programme of sport, games and activities as part of the MEActive...

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Belfast in Bloom competition final call out for entries from local schools

7th June 2021

This year’s ‘Belfast in Bloom’ competition is now underway with a reminder call out to local schools to get their entries in before Friday 18 June. Organised by Belfast City Council, the popular competition celebrates the fine work of budding gardeners across the city and is open...

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