The Railway Children follows the story of Bobbie (Rozzi Nicholson-Lailey), Peter (Izaak Cainer) and Phyllis (Beth Lilly) three children whose lives change dramatically when their father (Rob Angell is mysteriously taken away. The children and their mother (Andrina Carroll), now penniless, are forced to move from London to a cottage in rural Yorkshire. There they befriend the local railway porter, Perks (Martin Barrass) and embark on a magical journey of discovery, friendship and adventure. But the mystery remains – where is Father, and is he ever coming back?
First produced by York Theatre Royal at the National Railway Museum, where it enjoyed two sell-out and critically acclaimed seasons in 2008 and 2009, the production then opened at Waterloo Station in the former Eurostar terminal in July 2010, where it won the 2011 Olivier Award for Best Entertainment, before opening in Toronto in 2011 in a temporary theatre built at the base of CN Tower in Roundhouse Park.
This truly unique theatrical experience has been a huge hit with audiences and critics alike. Having been described as “Magnificent” (Evening Standard), “Extraordinary” (Sunday Telegraph), “Beautiful” (Financial Times), “Glorious” (The Times), and “Thrilling” (The Guardian) it has proved to be one of the most popular adaptations of the children’s classic since the 1970 tear-jerking classic film version.
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The characters in The Railway Children embark on a magical journey of discovery, friendship and what?