Win a copy of The Girl with No Nose

Closing Date: 31st December 2016


Newsletter Subscribers Exclusive* 

A heart-warming story of difference, acceptance & love in Victorian London

Alice Peasbody was born with no nose. People laugh and jeer at Alice and call her 'Pancake Face'. Even when she is given a prosthetic nose and gains the courage to move to the big city and take an office job, she cowers in dark corners. The only place she feels she can truly be herself is the roof garden of the office block. But one day a handsome and good-natured man comes to work in Alice's office, and she finds herself drawn out of the dark corners.


The Girl with No Nose is published by Barrington Stoke | RRP £7.99


We are giving away 5 copies of The Girl with No NoseFor your chance to win, simply answer the following question: 

Anosmia is the inability to what?

a) smell

b) feel

c) touch

*Winners will only be selected from our subscribers list

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