Applying for Secondary School places in Cornwall

At the beginning of autumn term, Year 6 pupils and their parents will be looking ahead to the next step up towards secondary school. Although catchment rules apply to many schools in the county, there are different options open to each child.


Catchment Areas – Cornwall Council is required to set the admission arrangements for community and voluntary-controlled schools. Designated areas have been pre-determined by Cornwall Council.

To find the designated school for your area visit – and search for school admissions – designated areas.

Although most pupils end up applying to the school in their catchment area, there are some schools such as academies, free schools and foundation schools that have a slightly different admissions policy.

So, it is worth checking the admissions policy on each school’s website for further information. Similarly, if you are considering applying to a local independent school, it will have its own separate admissions procedure.


Applying to a school out of catchment area

When you fill in the application form you’ll be asked to list the schools you’re applying for in order of preference. You must apply for at least 3 schools. This is when you will be able to prioritise your child’s preferred school. Whether a place is offered will depend on the school’s admission process and if places are available.

Priority is always given to pupils who live within the catchment area of a school. If you have any questions contact the school directly or your local council.


Applying to schools outside Cornwall

If you live on the border of Cornwall, near Plymouth or Devon for example, and want to apply to a school outside Cornwall, you will need to make an application via the school admissions team at Cornwall County Council. Simply specify your school of preference on your application form. The deadline date for application submissions of 31 October is the same in each local authority.


Getting ready for Secondary School

Many primary schools are increasingly mindful about the transitional phase to high school, with teachers taking time to ensure that children know what to expect and are well-prepared for the move, with school visits, meet the teacher sessions and ‘step up’ days. You can also help in several ways:

Keep a note of all the dates for induction events and encourage your child to attend as many of these as possible.

Read the school’s most recent Ofsted reports -

Check the school league tables at

Talk to other parents about what they think of the school.

Increase your child’s independence - you might trust them with solo trips to the letter box, or allow them to collect the take-away food from a local restaurant and show that you have confidence in them.

Stay positive about the school. Children need to be encouraged and know they have your support.


On this page you will find a guide to many of the schools across the county. Scroll down to read a general overview of each school and find out when the Open Days will be taking place.


The Application Process

Submit your application for a primary or secondary school place online. Once the online form has been submitted, an email receipt will confirm that the application has been received. Online applications can be changed right up to midnight on the closing date.



Cornwall Council Applications:

Primary, Infant and Junior School Applications:

The online system will be available from midday on 1 September 2017 until 15 January 2018.

Secondary School Applications:

The online system will be available from midday on 1 September 2017 until 31 October 2017.


Cornwall Contacts:

Education helpline: 0300 1234 101

Online applications:




When can I expect a decision?

There are now set dates when school places are officially confirmed. These are:

1 March 2018 – Secondary Schools

18 April 2018 – Primary Schools

The results will be available for you to see online.



Brannel School

Drone docking designer, data hostage specialist, 3D food printer chef. What have all these jobs got in common? They don’t yet exist… but one day they might.

Brannel School is making sure that its students can anticipate what’s over the horizon and encourages them to develop the skills needed for the future. The Fantastic Futures programme is leading the way in encouraging students to look towards careers in growth sectors where Cornwall already has a head-start: space and aerospace, e-health, marine technology, renewable energy and the digital economy.

Brannel School wants to inspire its students to set high expectations for themselves. Former students include doctors, chefs, an airline pilot and a Paralympic swimmer and by re-connecting former students with the school, its current students can see first-hand what others have gone on to achieve.

In order to succeed, young people need the opportunity to develop resilience and a growth mindset. Every Wednesday afternoon, every student takes part in the Brannel Challenge co-curricular programme. Activities such as boat building with Falmouth Marine School, surf lifesaving with Holywell Bay Surf Lifesaving Club and volunteering with local charities provide opportunities for students to step out of their comfort zone, learn from new experiences and develop employability skills.

Learn more about Brannel School and its Fantastic Futures programme at the Open Evening on 27 September from 5pm.

Visit or call 01726 822485



Camborne Science and International Academy

Camborne Science and International Academy told Primary Times:

“This year has been another excellent year for one of Cornwall’s most popular, highly regarded and successful secondary schools. Camborne Science and International Academy is consistently one of the top performing state secondary schools in Cornwall.

In an independent survey of parents/carers, 95% said they would recommend the school to other parents/carers. They judged the school to be outstanding for exam results, discipline, teaching quality, facilities and leadership.

The VI Form Academy in 2017 had a 100% pass rate, with 75% A*-B grades. 100% of students secured places at their university of choice, including a third at prestigious Russell Group Universities.

Nexus is CSIA’s Centre of Excellence for STEM; a unique programme that offers students who are especially able in Science, Technology and Mathematics a chance to thrive through a bespoke curriculum and rich co-curricular programme designed to engage and challenge gifted learners.

CSIA has a unique international programme, not matched by any other school in the country. Students and staff undertake life-changing international exchanges, and attend science fairs and maths competitions, with our partner schools in China, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Singapore, Canada, and Australia”.

Visit or call 01209 712280


Cape Cornwall School

All of the staff and pupils at Cape Cornwall are extremely proud of their school. With great academic results, sporting success, small class sizes and a firm focus on meeting the needs of every child it is no wonder that in a recent survey 100% of parents said they would recommend Cape Cornwall School. Parents rated the school as ‘outstanding in many areas’ including school discipline, developing potential, community spirit and working with parents to support student progress.

If you want a school that provides excellent teaching and outstanding pastoral care, where students are happy, focused and dedicated to being the best they can be, then visit the Open Evening on Wednesday 4 October from 6.30pm to 8pm to find out more.

If you are unable to make the Open Evening but would still like to look around the school, get in touch to arrange a visit. Discover the secrets of the school’s success and find out why more parents are choosing Cape Cornwall School.

For details about Cape Cornwall School call 01736 788501 or visit


Falmouth School

Falmouth School told Primary Times:

“Falmouth School is one of the top performing schools in Cornwall. At Falmouth School, we believe in high expectations and high standards. We set challenging targets for students and we encourage and support them to achieve their targets. Our Ofsted inspection last year praised our excellent outcomes for our students. Ofsted confirmed that the school is a ‘calm and orderly place’ and that the ‘climate for learning is right’, where staff and governors ‘set the highest expectations and aspirations for all pupils’.

This follows another year of excellent exam results when Falmouth School students achieved results significantly above national averages for the third year running. Students leave our post-16 College to attend a variety of universities including those of the Russell group, and also our vocational pathways lead students into apprenticeships and employment.

Both our Progress 8 score and Attainment 8 score for students at the end of Year 11 in 2016 were significantly above the national averages. Our results at the end of Key Stage 4 and post-16 are again excellent in both academic and vocational pathways. 73% of our students gained grade C or better in English and maths GCSEs compared with the England average of 59.3%”.

For more information, visit or call 01326 372386.


Hayle Community School

Hayle School is one of Cornwall’s smaller secondary state schools allowing it to offer a bespoke education tailored to the needs of each individual student that attends the school.

Over the last three years this style of teaching has paid off with the school’s results improving year on year. In April 2015, the school was rated ‘Good’ by OFSTED and is now working hard to achieve the next step, ‘Outstanding’.

This is what one of the parents had to say: “Our children started at Hayle School in September going into Year 7 and Year 10. They've settled in really well and have received outstanding support from all the teachers and support staff. It’s a very friendly and welcoming school.”

The school has continued to invest in the facilities, with the addition of a new Computer Laboratory and refurbishments to the suite of Humanities classrooms this academic year alone.

Since the change of Headteacher last year the school has continued to evolve to meet the modern day educational challenges, and continues to ensure its students realise their potential.

Headteacher Mr Martin’s vision for the school is: “To create a unique, outstanding, vibrant learning community: a place of learning excellence for everyone.”

Find out more on 21 September at the Open Evening from 6pm

Visit or call 01736 753009


Helston Community College

At Helston Community College, its students matter: each one an individual, valued and appreciated. The college is ambitious for all of its students and makes no apology for setting high standards. It wants children to enjoy their learning, have fun, and to achieve great things in a safe and well-disciplined environment.

Helston Community College provides a diverse curriculum for its students and will challenge their thinking, support them when they are stuck and encourage them to learn from setbacks in order that they become resilient learners who can respond effectively with future challenges.

Many visitors comment that the College is a warm, friendly and caring place where respect for others, good manners, and the highest standards of behaviour are insisted on at all times. Students are encouraged to respect and care for each other and those who work with them.

The prospect of a new purpose-built learning environment is due to open in January 2019. The existing buildings on North Site, where English, Maths, Science, Technology and PE are taught, will be replaced by a new ‘super block’.

Staff at the College look forward to meeting many students, parents/carers at its Open Evening on Thursday 21 September.



Humphry Davy School

Humphry Davy School has a strong reputation in the community for the highest quality of provision and a caring approach that encourages, supports and develops students of all abilities. Visitors regularly comment on ‘the family feel’ of the school.

It has been judged Overall Outstanding” in an independent Parental Survey. “Happiness of child”, “developing confidence”, “caring teachers” and “teaching quality” are just some of 27 separate criteria to be judged ‘outstanding’.

The school works closely with partner primaries to ensure a smooth transition. In the last full inspection, OfSTED noted the “outstanding quality of care, guidance and support” and stated, “transition arrangements for when students join or leave the school are excellent.” Humphry Davy School was consequently recognised as a model of good practice on the OfSTED website.

The school’s Open Evening is on Thursday 5 October:

Interested and want to know more? Go to:

Alternatively call 01736 363559 or email:


Liskeard School and Community College

Liskeard is a friendly, caring and supportive school with people and relationships at its heart. It is a unique school of extraordinary staff and students and enjoys exceptional support from parents and the local community. Someone once said, “It takes a whole village to educate a child.” At Liskeard, it believes, wholeheartedly, that it achieves more when the whole community works together.

Liskeard takes the education of its students very seriously. Providing students with the knowledge and skills to lead happy, fulfilling lives is at the heart of what it does. It provides a safe and a caring environment for all pupils, and treats all of them as individuals and challenges them to be the best they can be.

The school is going from strength to strength and is establishing an excellent reputation. It is proud of its recent successes and it is ambitious to make it even better. Staff regard it as a privilege to provide high quality, comprehensive education for approximately 1000 students aged 11-18. Find out more by visiting the website - – and going to the Open Evening.

Call 01579 342344


Mounts Bay School

“ outstanding, vibrant, innovative and inspirational place to learn.”

Sara Davey, Academy Principal

Mounts Bay’s reputation for excellence has grown from over half a century of generating new ideas, encouraging divergent thinking and nurturing a learning community of highly motivated staff and students. It pushes boundaries and blaze trails to create a unique learning environment that buzzes with energy and creativity, and nurtures and inspires its students to become spirited young people who aren’t afraid to shine as they embark upon their exciting futures in this fast-paced, constantly evolving world in which we live.

The voyage of discovery leads to success and Mounts Bay Academy has been awarded an Outstanding grade by Ofsted in all four measures which means that your child can expect: “Outstanding Achievement” and “Outstanding Quality of Teaching”, in an environment that has: “Outstanding Behaviour and Safety of Pupils” and “Outstanding Leadership and Management”. Last year the Academy celebrated some record-breaking GCSE results and it is confident that they can continue to build on that success year on year.

There will be a Year 6 Adventure on Saturday 26 September 2017 where students can enjoy adventurous learning. The Academy will have an Open Day for students on Tuesday 3 October 2017 and in the evening parents can see excellent facilities, talk to outstanding staff and meet students.

Call 01736 352320 or email: to arrange a personal meeting with the Academy Principal, Sara Davey.


Penair School

Penair School is an 11-16 mixed Academy based in the heart of Truro. Its purpose is to create a caring learning community where everyone is valued for who they are and encouraged to reach their full potential and go beyond what they expect from themselves. Penair believes that school life must be a positive and memorable experience that will ensure students will have rewarding and successful lives and are fully prepared for the future.

Penair nurtures the strong ties we’ve made with partner primary schools and works closely with them throughout the year to ensure a smooth and supportive transition. Excellent communication is the foundation on which the school philosophy is built.

The latest Ofsted inspection has recognised Penair as a good school, and views Penair as a courteous community, with proud pupils who understand the importance of fundamental British values. The caring ethos makes Penair a safe and happy place to learn, and its students thrive in this supportive environment.

The open evening will take place on Thursday 21 September from 5pm to 8pm, where parents and children will have the opportunity to speak with staff and students and take part in a range of exciting and engaging activities, as well as viewing showcase lessons.



Penrice Academy

Penrice Academy told Primary Times:

“School is a life experience. You spend 7 hours a day, 5 days a week - 190 days of the year - with us, so at Penrice Academy we want you to leave with life-long memories and stories.

Our Extracurricular life is like no other. Our Year 7s immerse themselves in choir, creative reading and outdoor learning, as well as a huge range of sports that take place throughout the week. Every Thursday, Penrice Plus sees over half of our students taking part in clubs and activities, and there are opportunities throughout the year to perform, develop new skills and travel the world.

A huge number of our students compete locally, nationally and internationally in well over 40 different sports for Penrice. This year we have won multiple trophies in multiple sports, and our stars are celebrated in assemblies with Sports Colours.

At Penrice Academy, we get results. Last year our Year 11s achieved the best results in the history of the school. Our curriculum is exciting, varied and challenging, and Year 8 Options give you an early chance to decide on your educational path”.

Experience Penrice Academy for yourself at the Open Evening on Thursday 21 September 2017.



Poltair School

Poltair School in St. Austell is an 11-16 Trust school which offers a disciplined and caring environment where curiosity, creativity and leadership are fostered and where learning is at the heart of all it does. It is committed to nurturing the abilities and talents of its pupils in order to prepare them for life. Its aim, in partnership with parents and the wider community, is to enable every pupil to ‘believe and achieve’.

If you are parents of year 5/6 children from a local school or a parent who is planning to move to the St Austell area then do go along and see Poltair School. The Open Evening offers you the chance to meet staff and ask those all-important questions. There is no need to book for the Open Evening, however if you would like a tour of the school on another date or have a specific query you would like answering prior to the Open Evening then do contact the school directly.

For a prospectus or more information telephone 01726 874520 or email or visit


Redruth School

Redruth School offers a vibrant and welcoming atmosphere to all students. With outstanding sports facilities including; a climbing wall, swimming pool, tennis and badminton courts, football and rugby pitches, there is a range of activities designed to support and encourage students to do their best and have a go.

This ethos flows through every department in the school, from languages to science, mathematics to creative arts and English to technology. Every child is encouraged to achieve their potential and thrive in a supportive environment, enabling students to take personal responsibility and develop respectful relationships.

The school’s curriculum is broad and balanced and provides students with a sound base for adult life.” - Ofsted

There are numerous extracurricular activities and clubs including the Duke of Edinburgh Awards programme. Students are encouraged to take part in cultural events including local festivals and celebrations; St Piran’s Day and Murdoch Day being highlights in the local calendar.

The students are encouraged to engage with the Student Council to make a commitment towards the local and school community, and through hard work and determination have recently succeeded in raising sufficient funds to purchase a defibrillator for both school and community use.

“The promotion of students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is exceptional. There are very strong relationships throughout the school and with the local community. The school’s work in keeping children safe is outstanding.” - Ofsted

Visit or call 01209 203700


Richard Lander School

Richard Lander School is founded on the principles of respect, hard work and ambition. Its aim is to enable every student to achieve to the best of their ability and to grow in confidence, self-esteem and maturity. Through a vibrant curriculum, a wealth of extra-curricular activities and student leadership opportunities, the school ensures students are well prepared for college and university beyond; keen to make a positive difference to the world in which they live.

Helping students become 'the best they can be’ is the hallmark of the school’s work so in lessons you will find students engaged, eager to learn and achieving the highest of standards. An ex-student recently emailed to say: ‘Thank you for the belief you had in me inspiring me to ‘be the best I can be.’ I just wanted to let you know that I’m still working on it!’

Beyond the curriculum, there is a rich offer of activities, helping students develop confidence, teamwork and commitment. From whole year group activities such as ‘Francovision’ and World Book Day to school productions; from the podium placed Richard Lander Racing team, the hundreds of fixtures in the school sports calendar, extra opportunities for the most able and charity fundraising events; wherever your interests lie, there will be something for you at Richard Lander School.



The Roseland Academy

The Roseland Academy is a happy, vibrant and welcoming school. Its vision is for all students to succeed, which is achieved by engaging them in learning through exciting, challenging and well-planned lessons and learning activities. The school has a long history of successful outcomes for all of its students. In 2016 The Roseland Academy was in the top 2.5% of schools in the country, ranking 175th out of 6402 schools.

As well as its Open Evening on Tuesday 26 September, there is also a transition event on 4 October for any Year 6 student interested in finding out about the school. Further details are available from Ms McWilliams, Transition Coordinator, at

“It’s hard to pick one best thing about The Roseland because there are just so many great things to do and opportunities available.” [Year 8 Student]

“When I joined The Roseland, I didn’t know anyone but I soon made lots of friends and I am really happy here.” [Year 7 Student]

Visitors are welcome to tour the school and staff are happy to answer any questions you may have.

Contact 01872 530675, or email to arrange a mutually convenient time to visit. Community School is proud to be a member of the recently expanded South East Cornwall Multi Academy Regional Trust (SMART), alongside two other local secondary schools and three primaries. Membership of SMART re-affirms’s commitment to innovative and exciting forms of learning, creating SMART learners, leaders and communities.

With new Headteacher Ms Kate Littledyke at the helm, the school is looking to continue to improve the wellbeing and education of all its students and help to develop all at

The school’s motto of ‘Believe and Achieve’ is put into action through everything the school does. Indeed, students from have achieved so much over the past 12 months: whether it be Year 7 students presenting to a high-profile audience at the annual BETT (British Educational Training and Technology) Conference in London; the fantastic whole school performances of Billy Elliot, or the impressive list of sporting successes the school has enjoyed this year. works closely with its local partner primary schools, regularly inviting Year 5 and 6 students to visit, so that the transition between primary and secondary is as smooth as possible, with students already comfortable in preparation for the fresh and exciting challenges that await them.

Visit or call 01752 843715


Sir James Smith’s School

Sir Jim’s is greatly valued by its community. It may be a small school but it is aspirational, has great ambitions and high expectations of its pupils and staff. Staff and parents are committed to working together to make sure each young person’s achievements are the best they can be.

Sir Jim’s is a Good school with many outstanding features. Its pastoral care system is second to none – pupils feel safe and are happy. In class and around school they are helped to develop and grow as people through extra-curricular activities and leadership opportunities. As a school, it is committed to arts, drama, PE and music and believes these are essential to a broad and balanced education.

Behaviour is excellent which means lessons are calm and purposeful. All students are supported to reach their academic potential. The classrooms are places where high quality learning can take place which is shown by the high Progress 8 score and excellent EBacc outcomes. The school is regularly the top performing school in North Cornwall, one of the top 5 in Cornwall and in the top 11% nationally.

Parents say they love the atmosphere and often comment about it being a welcoming and vibrant place; they also value the fact that it is a small school with an inclusive ethos. One parent said: “Parents in the know have known for several years that this school is a little bit of magic.”



St Ives School

Students’ success at St Ives School is built on a commitment to working in partnership with parents and families. Its dedicated and skilful staff are committed to providing the care and support that each child needs to achieve their potential.

The St Ives School ethos celebrates achievement, progress and resilience. It grasps every opportunity to praise and reward students when they rise to the challenge: be this academic or more widely through leadership, group work and social opportunities.

At St Ives School, students develop confidence, self- esteem and courage through the exceptionally high quality of teaching which inspires them to learn, and through its extremely broad and varied extra-curricular programme. Education is more than just what happens in the classroom which is why over 50 different clubs and activities are included in the provision.

If a child is a budding sport-star, has ambitions in performing arts or music, has a passion for creative art or design technology or aspires for a place in a top university, St Ives School will nurture their talent and provide the inspiration and support to enable them to achieve their full potential.

The Open Day and Evening will take place on Thursday 28 September

Contact to find out more or visit


Treviglas Community College

Treviglas is a thriving community college situated in the heart of Newquay. At Treviglas, they believe that every child who joins becomes a member of the Treviglas family. It is passionate about education and about working with young people to give them the best opportunities. The most able students will be stretched and all the young people are offered support to overcome obstacles that stand in the way of their aspirations.

Parents say they like the college’s ambitious and supportive culture and visitors to the college always comment on the purposeful learning atmosphere. Students are offered every opportunity to fully extend their individual talents and interests whether they are academic, musical, sporting, artistic or creative.

To see for yourself, go to the open events or contact the college to arrange a personal tour.

For details of the Inspiration Saturdays for Years 5 and 6 see the website -

Find Treviglas Community College at Bradley Road, Newquay, TR7 3JA

Call 01637 872076 or email:


Truro High School for Girls

Hands up if your childhood dream was to become a racing driver? Well, at Truro High School for Girls, that dream can become a reality for every girl from the age of seven.

The school is home to the largest competitive fleet of Greenpower cars in the UK, with all girls from Prep 3 upwards getting the chance to design, build and drive electric Goblin and Greenpower race cars.

It’s this practical appliance of science that runs throughout lessons at the school. The food teacher talks about ‘deconstructing proteins through the medium of making lemon cheesecake’. The art department pushes boundaries constantly in everything from photography to space-age textiles – little wonder that the school swept the board at the recent CreatEd exhibition and, indeed, one pupil has already had her work on display at the Tate Modern!

Headmaster, Dr Glenn Moodie, said: “It’s about creating the right atmosphere where the girls feel confident to challenge the norm. Many of them will grow up to have careers that haven’t even been invented yet and we want them to aim high, to be bold, to push boundaries and challenge stereotypes and, ultimately, to achieve their dreams.”

Visit or call 01872 272830


Truro School

At Truro School, every pupil experiences a proper childhood, balancing their academic studies with an extensive co-curricular programme. It is through a plethora of activities and experiences that your son or daughter will develop mentally and socially, learning skills important for the wider world.

Nurturing students to develop a sense of purpose and individuality is at the heart of everything the School does. From Astronomy to Wargaming, 3D design to Tai Chi; there is something for everyone with a wide variety of opportunities to explore and discover something new.

The School’s extensive facilities provide artists with their own art gallery; those with a passion for drama, be it acting or technical support, have a 200-seat theatre and outside broadcasting van; budding sports stars have the Sir Ben Ainslie Sports Centre, astroturf, swimming pool, acres of pitches and a fencing salle; musicians are performing over 60 concerts a year in various venues with a number gaining their DipABRSM Music Diplomas, an accolade usually achieved at University.

With high levels of academic study and extension combined with a broad range of co-curricular opportunities, your child will be comfortable in their own skin, flourishing into a confident, tolerant and unpretentious young adult who is ready to positively influence society.

Truro School offers scholarships (Academic, Art, Drama, Fencing, Music, Sport) and means-tested bursaries to children at 11+, 13+ and 16+ (into the 1st and 3rd Years and Sixth Form). Cathedral Chorister Scholarships are available to girls at 13+ and boys at 8+ (to join the Prep School).


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