Cornwall Schools Open Day Directory

As Year 6 pupils begin their final year at primary school, they may be feeling a mixture of emotions. Many of the children will gain a welcome boost in confidence by becoming the eldest in the school, yet, they also know that they will be moving on, so there’s a sense of excitement, or sometimes anxiety, about the next step to secondary school.

Any unanswered questions or apprehension will be addressed early in the school year, as many of the secondary schools hold their Open Days or events in September and October. These ‘Open’ events give prospective pupils and their parents a taster of secondary life. They will meet current teachers and representative students, be able to tour the facilities, look at the work displayed on the classroom walls and gain ‘a feel’ of the school.

Aside from attending the Open Days, there is other legwork you can do to help you and your child make the right decision.

Go to to find the Progress 8 scores - this score shows how much progress pupils at a school make between the end of key stage 2 and the end of key stage 4.

On the website you’ll also find league tables, statistics and the Ofsted rating for individual schools. To find an Ofsted inspection report about an individual school visit


Catchment Areas

Although most pupils end up applying to the school in their catchment area, there are some schools that do not operate designated areas and have a slightly different admissions policy. So, it is worth checking the admissions policy on each school’s website for further information. If you are considering applying to a local independent school, it will have its own separate admissions procedure.

Catchment Areas in Cornwall

Designated areas have been pre-determined by Cornwall Council. To find the designated school for your area visit – and search for school admissions – designated areas.

Applying to a School out of Catchment Area

You’ll be asked to list up to 3 state schools in order of preference on your application form. Whether a place is offered will depend on the school’s admission process and if places are available. For most schools in Cornwall, there is an admissions priority for children who live in the school’s catchment area.

Applying to schools outside Cornwall

If you live on the border of Cornwall, near Plymouth or Devon for example, and want to apply to a school outside Cornwall, you will need to make an application via the school admissions team at Cornwall County Council. Simply specify your school of preference on your application form. The deadline date for application submissions of 31 October 2019 is the same in each local authority.


The Application Process

Submit your application for a primary or secondary school place online. An email receipt will confirm that the application has been received. Online applications can be changed right up to midnight on the closing date.


Cornwall Council Applications:


Primary, Infant and Junior School Applications:

The online system will be available from midday on 2 September 2019 until 15 January 2020.

Secondary School Applications:

The online system will be available from midday on 2 September 2019 until 31 October 2019.

Cornwall Contacts:


Allocation Days

The dates when school places are officially confirmed are:

1 March 2020 – Secondary Schools

16 April 2020 – Primary Schools


Read a general overview of each school and find out when the Open Days will be taking place...


Brannel School

Brannel School's Open Day is on Wednesday 2 October 2019.

Brannel School is a small, rural secondary school which offers 750 places to students aged 11-16. The school was completely rebuilt in 2011 as a “School of the Future”; its students are able to learn in bright, modern teaching spaces designed to facilitate teaching and learning.

What sets it apart from other secondary schools in Cornwall is its size. Increasing demand for school places in Cornwall has led to some secondary schools now exceeding 1500 students. This can be daunting for any 11-year old arriving from primary school.

At Brannel, they believe that the benefits of a small school go far beyond academic achievement. Students at Brannel develop strong relationships with their peers and their teachers in a nurturing environment where they are known and appreciated individually. There is a level of acceptance that is profound among its students. They feel supported by the school and their classmates. Strong student-teacher relationships help students feel comfortable taking risks both academically and socially. Out of the classroom, the Pastoral Team can offer intensive support to every child who needs it on a one-to-one basis.

At Brannel School every child can find their own unique voice; every child has the opportunity to shine.

For details ring 01726 822485 or go to


Camborne Science and International Academy

This year has been another excellent year for one of Cornwall’s most popular, highly regarded and successful secondary schools. Camborne Science and International Academy is consistently one of the top performing state secondary schools in Cornwall, attracting discerning families from a very wide geographical area.

The VI Form Academy in 2018 had a 100% pass rate at A level for the fourth year running with progress made by students in the top 20% of the country. All students that wanted to attend university secured a place with over a third to prestigious Russell Group Universities.

Nexus is home to CSIA’s Gifted STEM and Gifted PPE Programmes. The Gifted STEM Programme gives the most able students the opportunity to deepen and broaden their understanding and application of STEM subjects through a bespoke STEM curriculum, which has been specially designed for the most able in these subjects. The Gifted PPE programme is for students that have strengths in English and Humanities.

CSIA has a unique international programme, not matched by any other school in the country. Students and staff undertake life-changing international exchanges, and attend science fairs and maths competitions, with its partner schools in China, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Singapore, Canada, and Australia.

Visit or call 01209 712280


Cape Cornwall School

Cape Cornwall School sets high standards, not only in academic study but in all aspects of its school community and in doing so it seeks to inspire students to dream, believe, persevere and achieve excellence. Its vision is to realise the full potential of each individual, whatever their starting point, by providing personalised levels of challenge, excellent levels of support, encouragement and opportunities, that enable all its young people to be successful, flourish and achieve independence.

Knowing each child as an individual and creating the circumstances both inside and outside of the classroom, through a mind-set of challenge, discovery and enjoyment, the school excites a spirit and energy for lifelong learning and success late in life. It provides a diverse range of enrichment learning opportunities that encourage students to follow their passions, learn new skills and enhance their leadership abilities. These include the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, the ‘Be Inspired’ programme of workshops, together with a range of cultural and sporting events, links to employers and business leaders who inspire students to aim high.

The school’s Open Evening takes place on Wednesday 25th September. If you would like a tour of the school on another date or to see the school in action, contact the school directly.

Visit or call 01736 788501


Falmouth School

Falmouth School told Primary Times:

“Falmouth School is one of the top performing schools in Cornwall. At Falmouth School, we believe in high expectations and high standards. We set challenging targets for students and we encourage and support them to achieve their targets. Our Lower School in Years 7 and 8 offers the nurturing environment that helps our younger students settle in to secondary school. In Upper School students from Year 9 to Year 11 develop their skills to achieve their potential, whilst in our College at post-16 there is no limit to what they can achieve!

We have had another year of excellent exam results; Falmouth School students achieved results significantly above the national averages for the third year running in both Progress 8 and Attainment 8 measures at GCSE and our results at the end of post-16 are again excellent in both academic and vocational pathways. Students leave our post-16 College to attend a variety of universities including those of the Russell group, and also our vocational pathways lead students into apprenticeships and employment.

At Falmouth School we offer a wide range of Clubs & Activities for the students”.

‘The curriculum is excellent with a wide range of activities and continuous review to ensure that it meets the needs of all students’ OFSTED 2012

For more information, visit or call 01326 372386.


Hayle Academy

Parents ultimately want their children to be happy and to feel safe in school. Making the move from primary to secondary education can be a challenging time, so it is important to provide a supportive and seamless transition.

With this in mind, Hayle Academy is understandably proud of the successful deployment of their 18-month transition programme, starting in Year 5, working closely with their primary partners. Headteacher, Andrew Martin, says, “The 18-month transition programme enables new friendships, builds confidence and a familiarity with the new school and our teachers.”

One student, when asked what was unique about the Hayle Academy, highlighted the school’s supportive community, telling Ofsted Inspectors, “I know everyone in my year group.”

Alongside academia, Hayle Academy focuses on the performing arts, with a strong music and drama emphasis, thus allowing any child the opportunity to shine.

Hayle Academy’s passion for providing opportunities for all to excel was the driving force behind the recent conversion to an Academy as well as its strong commitment to high-quality teaching and learning with challenge for all. Mr Martin believes that; “Working closely with other local schools has helped us in our ambition to continually strive for excellence for all of our students and for all aspects of school life, whilst building sustainability now and into the future.”

For more information about registering your child for the Hayle Academy 18-month transition programme, contact: Max Chippett (Head of Lower School) by email: or call 01736 753009.

The next Open Evening will take place on Thursday 10th October from 6pm. Parents can see the school in action on one of the tours happening during the day.

For more, see


Helston Community College

Students at Helston Community College matter: each one an individual, valued and appreciated. The College is ambitious for all of its students and make no apology for setting high standards. It wants children to enjoy their learning, have fun, and to achieve great things in a safe and well-disciplined environment. It provides a diverse curriculum for its students allowing them to develop skills and talents in a broad range of subject areas. It will challenge their thinking, support them when they are stuck and encourage them to learn from setbacks, in order that they become resilient learners who can respond effectively to future challenges.

Visitors to the College frequently comment that it is a warm, friendly and caring place where respect for others, good manners, and the highest standards of behaviour are insisted on at all times. Its students are encouraged to respect and care for each other and those who work with them.

Everyone at Helston Community College is excited about the opening of its new purpose built learning environment this September. The existing buildings on North Site in which English, maths, science, technology and PE are taught are being replaced by a new, high specification building and an all-weather pitch.

Students and their parents/carers will be welcome to attend the Open Evening on Wednesday 25th September 2019.

See more at or call 01326 572685


Humphry Davy School

Humphry Davy School has a strong reputation in the community for the highest quality of provision and a caring approach that encourages, supports and develops students of all abilities. Visitors regularly comment on the ’family feel’ of the school.

It has been judged “Overall Outstanding” in an independent Parental Survey. ‘Happiness of child‛, ‘developing confidence‛, ‘caring teachers‛ and ’teaching quality‛ were just some of 27 separate criteria to be judged ‘outstanding’.

The school works closely with partner primaries to ensure a smooth transition. In the last full inspection, OfSTED noted the ‘outstanding quality of care, guidance and support‛ and stated, ‘transition arrangements for when students join or leave the school are excellent’. Humphry Davy School was consequently recognised as a model of good practice on the OfSTED website.

The school’s Open Evening is on Thursday 3rd October:

Find out for yourself why families choose Humphry Davy School. Meet the friendly and talented staff and take a tour of the outstanding facilities.

Go to: Alternatively call 01736 363559 or email:


Leedstown Community Primary School

Leedstown Community Primary School, near Hayle, is a smaller than average school that is set in a beautiful, rural location. It has an inspiring curriculum, along with engaging and inspiring learning experiences for children aged 3 years and over, which ensures they have a smooth transition into school. Its children are happy learners and the school achieves excellent results. Arrange a visit to meet the friendly and caring team. Call 01736 850242 or email


Penair School

Penair School is an 11-16 mixed Academy. Its purpose is “To create a caring, learning community of high quality where everyone is valued for who they are and for what they may become.”

The school has a comprehensive range of transition activities organised throughout the year for its partner primary schools involving many different subject areas. For example, primary pupils have participated in Boys’ Dance; Science activities; Gifted and Talented Masterclasses; Inter-school Primary Olympics and other sports competitions; Design Technology Workshops; Expressive Arts activities, and more besides!

The result of pupils participating in these activities is that there is a natural progression from the partner primary schools to Penair. Penair also welcomes a significant number of children who join the school from outside the designated area. The highly successful transition arrangements ensure that all new children and parents are fully informed about what Penair has to offer in its caring and supportive school.

Penair School’s Open Evening is on Thursday 26 September 2019 from 5pm to 8pm where you will be able to meet with students and staff and your child will be encouraged to take part in a range of hands-on activities as well as viewing showcase lessons.

See or call 01872 274737


Poltair School

Poltair School in St. Austell is an 11-16 school and part of a newly formed Multi Academy Trust; the Cornwall Education Learning Trust (CELT). It offers a disciplined and caring environment where curiosity, creativity and leadership are fostered and being “ready to learn” is at the heart of all it does.

It is committed to nurturing the abilities and talents of its pupils in order to prepare them for life. Its aim, in partnership with parents, its MAT colleagues and the wider community, is to enable every pupil to ‘believe and achieve’.

Ofsted inspectors said of the school: ‘Standards of care, guidance and support are strong, effectively promoting students’ personal development. Students demonstrate good attitudes to learning.’

Poltair School is excited about the opportunity to be part of the Cornwall Education Learning Trust, in the belief and anticipation that by working collaboratively across the community it will be able to extend and enhance its provision for Poltair youngsters. In looking forward in this way, however, it is very much in the knowledge that Poltair’s unique ethos will be maintained.

For a prospectus or more information telephone 01726 874520 or go to


Pool Academy

Pool Academy has undergone a series of transformations over the past few years to position itself perfectly for learning in the 21st century. Excellent academic results and unrivalled in its access to technology with state of the art facilities for all students; coupled with a caring, personalised feel.

It prides itself on knowing each child individually and tailoring its support and teaching to them. Its transition team start working with primary schools throughout the year so that the move to secondary school is not seen as a daunting leap but a fun and exciting next step. This continues throughout Year 7 where students are allowed to progress into school life at a pace that suits them, with areas dedicated to just Year 7 and tutors rooms together.

With these important decisions about your child’s future coming up and a lot of schools all trying to grab your attention it can be overwhelming trying to make this crucial choice. At Pool Academy they don’t believe in hype, confusing acronyms and statistics - they believe you can only judge a school by seeing it for yourself. Its Open Evening is on September 19th from 5-8pm. Go along to speak to the teachers, support staff and governors who believe passionately that every child should be given every chance to fulfil their maximum potential.

See or call 01209 712220


Redruth School

Redruth School serves a community, which is rich in culture and heritage. Providing a warm and welcoming environment for all students and a curriculum, which is challenging, inspiring and encouraging.

“The school has excellent relationships with local primary schools and the wider community. Students are supported particularly well when they transfer from primary school to secondary school.” - Ofsted 2018

Students are encouraged to discover new skills and talents when taking part in extracurricular activities, community events, sporting events and science and technology challenges.

“The Headteacher’s vision of high achievement for all students is understood by the whole school community.” - Ofsted.

At Redruth School, happy and healthy relationships are promoted. Students are supported through development of positive attitudes and resourceful natures, to create strong and resilient individuals, who are capable and motivated, both now and in the future.

“Students conduct around the school is polite and friendly. Students show good manners towards each other, staff and visitors.” - Ofsted

The Open Evening will be held on Tuesday, 17th September, from 5pm to 8.30pm, or contact the school to arrange a personal tour. The friendly staff look forward to welcoming you and your child.

For more information visit, or email: or call 01209 203700


Richard Lander School

Richard Lander School is founded on the principles of respect, hard work and ambition and aims to enable every student to achieve to the best of their ability and to grow in confidence, self-esteem and maturity. Through a vibrant curriculum and a wealth of extra-curricular activities the school ensures students are well prepared for college and beyond; keen to make a positive difference to the world in which they live.

Helping students become 'the best they can be’ is the hallmark of the school’s work so in lessons you will find students engaged, eager to learn and achieving the highest of standards. The 2018 Progress 8 score shows Richard Lander School GCSE students to have performed significantly above the national average with more than 74% of students passing both English and maths (9-4) and more than 25% gaining 5 or more 9-7 grades.

Beyond the curriculum, there is a rich offer of activities, helping students develop confidence, teamwork and commitment. All year 7 students start their journey at Richard Lander with Francovision and Spanglovision, World Book Day and Space Camp; many get involved in the annual school production as actors, musicians, sound engineers or set designers; or join the International Champion Greenpower racing team. There are hundreds of fixtures in the school sports calendar and extra opportunities for the most able in all subjects along with regular charity fundraising events and school trips to Uganda, Iceland, Europe … so wherever your interests lie, there will be something for you at Richard Lander School.

For more, call 01872 273750 or see


The Roseland Academy

On Tuesday 24 September, prospective students and their parents are invited to The Roseland Academy’s Open Evening where they can experience its happy, vibrant and highly-successful school.

The last three years have seen The Roseland Academy achieve record-breaking and unprecedented achievements for its students. The Ofsted inspection in 2017, under the new Framework, awarded The Roseland ‘Outstanding’ in all areas.

The Roseland Academy is highly inclusive of all students and has an engaging curriculum which helps develop young people to achieve their best. For a small, rural school, its highly qualified and dedicated staff are able to offer a real choice, not only in traditional subjects, but across all academic areas including the arts, music, drama, photography, engineering and, not forgetting, its unique school farm.

The Roseland is not only dedicated to providing students with exceptional outcomes, but it also places importance on making the students feel part of its community, whilst promoting its positive values and ethos.

“It’s hard to pick one best thing about The Roseland because there are so many great things to do and opportunities available.” [Year 8 Student]

“When I joined The Roseland, I didn’t know anyone but soon made lots of friends and I am really happy here.” [Year 7 Student]

Further details are available by contacting the school on 01872 530675 or by email to or see


Saltash Community School

The academic year of 2019-20 is an exciting one for Saltash Community School. Its name and logo have changed, with its new Year 7 students being the first to wear the new badge on their blazers with ‘Saltash Community School’ replacing ‘’. Its vision, ‘Achieving More Together’ also shows how important teamwork is at the school, as do the TEAM core values: Tenacity, Empathy, Aspiration and Motivation.

The school continues to build on the successes of last year and, as such, has set itself some aspirational goals for 2019 - 2020:

• Every child and adult in school should consistently strive for excellence in all areas of learning.

• Achievement in all its forms and at all levels should be recognised ensuring every learner feels both supported and challenged.

• Strong partnerships with peers and parents should be created to maximise the progress of all learners.

• All children and adults should feel safe within a caring and nurturing community in which mutual respect and kindness are non-negotiable.

Building on its ‘Be Well’ agenda, students will take part in a Steps to Success day when returning to school in September. This day will involve outlining all the ‘ingredients’ for school success: healthy eating and healthy lifestyles; mental health and wellbeing; ways of learning and revising and having the right attitude to learning.

Once again, the school is over-subscribed for next September, which is wonderful news and testament to the hard work of everybody within the school community, who have made this school such a great place to be.

For details call 01752 843715 or visit


St Ives School

St Ives School provides a rich and diverse learning community where every child is inspired to learn so they become confident, resilient and resourceful young people, able to achieve their full potential in life.

The transition to a new school is a major step for children. Happy, confident children make successful learners, which is why St Ives School takes such great care over the transition process to support children joining the school.

By paying careful attention to children’s’ individual talents, it builds on their academic and personal strengths to ensure each child makes a flying start, right from the outset.

Teaching is excellent and “engages pupils in thought provoking tasks at a level which stretches and stimulates them” Ofsted 2017.

St Ives School’s dedicated staff team are committed to providing the highest quality of care and support: with a winning combination of enthusiasm, hard work and dedication every child can achieve their aspirations.

Graded as ‘Good and Outstanding’ by Ofsted, St Ives School is hosting its annual Open Day and Evening on Thursday 26th September. The evening provides an opportunity to meet with staff and students and find out more about the exceptional range of opportunities on offer.

Contact or visit


Truro High School for Girls

They may only be 10 and 11 years old but that hasn’t stopped the girls at Truro High School from demonstrating enterprise abilities that would make even Lord Sugar’s smile a little sweeter.

The entrepreneurs have been taking part in the Young Enterprise £5 Challenge where they had a month to create a business and turn their initial investment into as much as possible.

From drawing up business plans and researching markets to developing products and perfecting their brands, the girls threw themselves into the challenge with enthusiasm and excitement.

Businesses ranged from bespoke carved cheese boards to delicious home-baked brownies with the most successful group increasing its initial funds by more than 5,000%.

Head of Prep, Annabel Ramsey, said: “The project has fitted very nicely with our Learning Challenge Curriculum where we encourage the girls to drive their own learning, to identify the things they want to know more about and to develop a voice and challenge the norm.”

“We want all of our girls to become confident and articulate young women and the lessons they learn through challenges like this one give them the skills they need to be creative, to try new things, to take risks and to adapt if at first they don’t succeed.”

“Truro High School is England’s top small independent school for A Levels”.

For more, see or call 01872 272830


Truro School

Parents and children are invited to the Open Morning at Truro School Senior on Saturday 5 October.

During the morning there will be the opportunity to get a real taste of what Truro School has to offer girls and boys; take a tour around the school, explore the extensive facilities on offer, and discover how every pupil experiences a proper childhood, balancing their academic studies with an extensive co-curricular programme.

It is through a plethora of activities and experiences that your son or daughter will develop mentally and socially, learning skills important for the wider world; during the morning you will have the chance to visit the school’s art gallery, 200-seat theatre, outside broadcasting van, Sir Ben Ainslie Sports Centre, astroturf, swimming pool, acres of sports pitches, fencing salle, cookery school and music facilities.

With high levels of academic study and extension combined with a broad range of co-curricular opportunities, your child will be comfortable in their own skin, flourishing into a confident, tolerant and unpretentious young adult.

Visitors to Truro School will also have the chance to take part in a range of activities within each department; from science experiments to mathematical challenges and cookery contests, you will get a chance to experience the strong sense of inclusivity and community-mindedness on offer at Truro School.

For more information, visit or call 01872 272763













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