Teachers Toolbox


We have pulled together some local news for teachers in Cornwall as well as great national resources, including many that are low-cost or free.  If you are an educator and you know of anything that you would like us to share with teachers in Cornwall or if you are a business or organisation that would like to be included, please contact us at editorial@writeplacemedia.co.uk


Get your daily dose of nature at school

The conservation charity WWF have created a free classroom pack promoting nature connections to help boost children's moods, improve focus and help them to feel less stress and anxious.  The pack includes their free 'Daily dose of nature' poster and stickers which can be used to facilitate quick and simple daily doses of nature where you can record how much time educators and their pupils spend connecting with the natural world throughout the spring and summer months.  The packs will be sent out in March 2025.  Find out more and register here: https://www.wwf.org.uk/prescription-for-nature/schools


Women and girls in science resource/Ultimate STEM Challenge 2024/2025

Energising Futures have created a number of resources for primary and secondary schools to celebrate discoveries made by women, and encourage pupils to consider careers in science themselves with an engaging poster and exciting assembly.  

They also run 'The Ultimate Stem Challenge which, this year, invites 9 to 14 year olds across the UK to design a sustainable future food that is healthy for people and the planet.  The website contains details about how to enter as well as a 1 hour lesson plan that supports curriculum learning about healthy eating and diet.   Learners could be in with the chance of winning exciting prizes, including a live science show at your school with food enthusiast Stefan Gates. 

Find out more about the 'women and girls in science resource' here: https://energisingfutures.co.uk/collections/women-and-girls-in-science

Learn about Ultimate STEM Challenge 2024/25: Feed our Future here: https://energisingfutures.co.uk/ultimate-stem-challenge-feed-our-future/


Host your own pyjama party for Children with Cancer 

Children with Cancer UK are encouraging schools, nurseries and youth groups to join their Pyjamarama event this academic year.  By making donations to wear their pyjamas to lessons and sessions,  pupils will help to fund research into less toxic and kinder treatments.

Schools can host their 'pyjama party' on a date that suits them, and upon signing-up they will receive fundraising materials such as bunting and balloons, a presentation on to show on the day and a thank you certificate and stickers

Find out more here: https://www.childrenwithcancer.org.uk/how-you-can-help/cancer-charity-events/pyjamarama/


Wicked-inspired writing competition empowers young writers to “Be The Change” in their local Community

The National Literacy Trust and stage musical Wicked Active Learning have devised a writing competition for ages 9 to 14 to use their voices to change the world for the better.

Wicked Writers: Be the Change 2025 is based on the themes of one of the most ‘well-known songs from the Wicked musical – “For Good” and this year they want young participants to write persuasively about the change they want to see in their local community.

One winner and one runner-up will be selected in each category (Years 5-6 and Years 7-9). All 16 shortlisted pupils will see their work published in an anthology and receive a bundle of brand-new books for their school. Winners will receive class tickets to see the acclaimed musical Wicked at London’s Apollo Victoria Theatre and an author workshop with judge Manjeet Mann.

Teachers can now download a free supportive learning resource pack, including curriculum-linked activities, and get their class involved to inspire their writing and have the chance to win some amazing prizes.

The competition is open for entries between until February 28. Find out more and download the resources: www.https://literacytrust.org.uk/programmes/young-writers/wicked-writers-be-the-change/


The Into Film Awards 2025 launched

Entries are now open for the flagship celebration of young filmmaking talent by  film education charity Into Film, offering a platform for 5 to 19 year olds from across the UK to express their creativity and tell the stories that matter to them.  This year there are 11 categories, including those celebrating animated, live-action, and documentary filmmaking, as well as those showcasing the best storytellers and the next generation of filmmakers and the practitioners that support them

Find out more at www.intofilm.org/awards


New Building Self-Esteem resource

Premier League Primary Stars have released a new engaging resource, designed to help teachers support pupils in reflecting on their identity, celebrating their strengths and fostering self confidence.  ‘Building Self Esteem’ has been created as a timely and impactful tool to help schools create a confident inclusive and supportive environment for pupils, with links to PSHE in England.

With team-building activities, the pack empowers pupils to:

The resource was developed with input from PSHE experts and teachers for Children’s Mental Health Week from 3rd to 9th February, to ensure that it aligns with the curriculum and offers clear, practical guidance for educators.

Find out more at www.plprimarystars.com/self-esteem


Big Schools Birdwatch 2025

This year’s event run by the RSPB is open until 14th February 2025.  Pupils can participate by counting birds in their school grounds at any time until 14th February.  The website contains differentiated ID resources and survey sheets to record the highest number of each species that you see at the same time and then submitting your results online.  It is also possible to make the Big Schools’ Birdwatch the first step you take to find out more about the nature on your school grounds with the opportunity to complete five more challenges to gain your Bronze Wild Challenge award.

Find out more at www.rspb.org.uk/whats-happening/get-ready-for-big-schools-birdwatch


Royal Mint Short Story Competition: Sustainable Futures

This year's Royal Mint competition topic is Sustainable Futures, to reflect their move towards a more sustainable way of working by increasing their use of renewable energies and changing what they do by building a new precious metal recycling department in South Wales.  The competition is open to primary school pupils aged 8 to 11, students are invited to submit a story of no more than 500 words based around a chosen topic.  The competition is open for entries until 25th April.

Visit the website for more information, inspiration and teaching resources: https://www.royalmintmuseum.org.uk/learning/short-story-competition/





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