Dorset is a beautiful county with a tight-knit community that offers a range of resources to support families in need. Whether you’re looking for financial assistance, mental health support, educational resources, or guidance through challenging times, numerous charities and organizations are dedicated to making a positive impact on families across the region.
This page is designed to provide a comprehensive list of local charities and organizations that offer essential services to families in Dorset. From supporting families with children to providing housing, food security, and parenting help, we aim to connect you with the support you need.
Explore the resources below to find the help and guidance available in Dorset for you and your family.
Link to 'Cost of Living' support information in Dorset
Link to family mental health page
Local organisations and charities for families in Dorset
BCP Libraries Information about where to find your local library, how to join and activities for children and young people
CAMHS Dorset (Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service) Information about how to provide support to children and young people who are coping with significant mental health difficulties
Diverse Abilities Disability charity in Dorset supporting children and adults with profound physical and learning disabilities across the county
Dorset Libraries Information about your local library if you are in the Dorset Council area as well as details of how to join, digital resources and a facility to search the catalogue
DorPIP Support for families in Dorset, from conception to two years old. They offer specialised parent-infant relationship talking therapy, attachment-led infant massage courses, online support and workforce training for professionals. They are community-based, working through Family Hubs, GP's premises and partners throughout Dorset. The services can be accessed online, enabling us to reach families across Dorset
Dorset Parent Carer Council Independent voluntary organisation run by parents and carers for parents and carers of children and young people age 0 to 25 with sepcial educational needs or disabilities who life in Dorset. They aim to improve services for children and young people by ensuring the families' voices are heard by planners and decision-makers. Membership is free and without obligation
Dorset SENDIASS (Dorset Special Educational Needs and Disability Information, Advice and Support Service) Service offering free, confidential, accurate and impartial advice and support to families living in Dorset with children and young people aged 0 to 25 with special educational needs and disability and parents and carers of children with SEND
Dorset Family Information Directory Information about schools and learning, childcare and early information, things to do, health and wellbeing, advice and support and young people services with a searchable database.
Dorset Family Information Service Free, impartial information service for parents and carers of children and young people aged up to 19 or up to 25 years with those with SEND.
The Dorset Children’s Foundation Independent local charity dedicated to improving the lives of children with disabilities living within our community providing disabilitity equipment, medical expenses and therapies not provided by statutory services. They also offer Accessible for All, a growing range of sports and play opportunities as well a offering couselling, support and family groups and pre-school sessions.
Dorset Youth Information for young people and carers, 0 to 25 Knowledge Hub, 0-25 VCS forum and more
Mosaic Family Support Charity supporting children and young people who have lost a loved one through any cause of death
Action for Children A charity which aims to protect and support children and young people, providing emotional care and support, ensuring their voices are heard and campaigning to bring lasting improvements to their lives
Bank the Food A free app that helps Food Banks communicate which items they currently need. BanktheFood will send a helpful alert when you are at your local supermarket with your local foodbank's needs
Barnardos Charity focused on running include services to improve the lives of children and young people - see the website for details of local activities and venues
Child Accident Prevention Trust The UK's leading experts in child accident prevention, offering safety alerts, safety advice as well as training and free resources to help secure safer work for children. The website includes free parent packs on common safety hazards and the opportunity to sign up for free emails for parents and practitioners and stay up-to-date with the latest risks, resources and safety advice.
Citizens Advice Services which give people the knowledge and confidence they need to find their way forward with practical advice on benefits, work, debt and money, consumer, housing, family, law and courts, immigration and health
Contact A charity providing support for families with disabled children with guidance advice, parent carer participation and influence policy and campaigns to tackle the inequalities families face
ERIC A charity dedicated to improving children's bowel and bladder health. Their mission is to reduce the impact of continence problems on children and their families. The website contains lots of advice sheets including information on constipation, bedwetting and daytime wetting
Family Lives A charity providing targeted early intervention and crisis support to families. Services include a confidential helpline, live online chat, online parenting courses, leaflets and parenting advice videos
Gingerbread A charity for single-parent families offering expert advice and practical support for single mums and dads.
Healthier Families Formerly, Change4Life with information on how to help your family eat better and move more with
Mind Mental health charity with information and support available
National Domestic Violence Helpline Free helpline (0808 2000 247) operating 24 hours a day. The website also contains detailed advice and information
NSPCC Children's Charity aims to prevent abuse, help rebuild children's lives and support families with nutritional information, exercise games and mental well-being tips for parents amongst other resources
Shelter A Charity focusing on housing and homelessness issues with advice and support services and a free emergency helpline
Women's Aid A national charity working to end domestic abuse against women and children with information and support available online
Working Families The national charity for working parents and carers aims to empower working parents and carers, supporting employers to build flexible and family-friendly cultures and influencing government policy
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