Experience the joy of performing in your very own musical this Summer with Award Winning Theatre School

The Anna Fiorentini Theatre & Film School, which has a 23 year track record for excellence is currently accepting applications for 4 – 18 year olds who wish to attend the Hackney branch that takes place on Saturdays during term times or the Stratford branch taking place on Fridays 5pm – 8pm.

Furthermore, the excellent teachers will be delivering two Summer Holiday Schools for 7 – 16-year-olds where students will create their very own musical within a week. Week one is based on the story of The Lion King, using songs and routines from many well-loved Disney films and shows. Week Two is based on the hit show, Wicked, and will use songs and routines from many well-loved musicals that have graced the West End and Broadway.

Many Fiorentini students have won leading roles on TV, film and in the West End thanks to the associated talent agency. However, the main focus of the school is to ensure every child reaches their full creative potential which more often than not has a positive impact on their academic studies. A fun way to ensure your child increases in confidence, self-esteem and transferable life skills.

“I am amazed by how professional the show and summer school week was. My daughter Ava is extremely shy and the transformation in confidence has been incredible. Amazing week.”

For more information about the Holiday Schools as well as Saturday Taster Days visit


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