Primary Times Children's Choice Awards review of Alice and the Little Prince


Our Primary Times' reviewer said:


If your children are fans of Alice in Wonderland and the Little Prince stories, this is the show for you. In this slick and professional production, much of the two original tales are retold, with a cleverly intertwined approach.

Alice and the Little Prince meet in a rose garden on earth and befriend each other which results in 50 minutes of drama bringing both fun and the poignancy of the stories’ meaning to life!

Madeleine, aged 9, loved that the whole show was enacted by only 2 actors who had a lot of energy. The venue is very intimate which makes you feel part of the story. It’s quite warm in the tent venue, bring water!


Our young reviewers say:


Grace, aged 5, said: “I liked it when we had to hide under our seats from the scary queen!”

Elsa, aged 5, added: “It was funny when Alice sprayed us with water and I liked drawing the sheep at the beginning”.


Reviewed on 2nd August 2019


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