Primary Times Children's Choice Awards review of Moon Dragon for 5 and Under


Our Primary Times' review:


Bertie the Moon Dragon is having a terrible day! Nothing is as it should be, with a little help of the audience and some other characters along the way, Bertie makes sure night is saved and everything is returned just as it should be.

This original preschool production aimed at under 5s is a must for families this Fringe. The audience is given a bag of props to interact with throughout the show lights, fairy wings, scarfs and musical instruments to add to the magic of the story. The puppets were lovely and colourful - Astrid (3yr 10mths) loved them, especially the frog and the amazing unicorn. The kids loved the dressing up fairy wings and the little lights.

A really lovely experience for small children. It was pitched just perfectly for kind engagement and participation.


Our young reviewer says:


"I loved wearing the fairy wings"

"The lights were very pretty"

"My favourite was the unicorns." (Astrid, aged 3 yrears and 10 months)



Reviewed on 4th August 2019


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