Primary Times Children's Choice Awards review of Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens


Our Primary Times' reviewer says:


This prequel to Peter Pan charts how Peter became Peter Pan. All the ingredients are there to make this wonderful, from the enchanting tales to the creative use of props, and great efforts from the two actors who carry the story for an hour, with endearing chemistry. However, at times it felt like something was missing. The actors had a tough time with an audience of 5 of us on their first day, not lending itself to creating buzz and atmosphere.

My children (7 and 9) wriggled and scratched throughout it. They enjoyed the way the props were used over and over in different ways, and some of the characterisation, particularly the crow, but didn't find it 'exciting enough'. The costumes were wonderful and there were some truly magical moments. At times it felt confusing, yet is a lovely piece of theatre exploring the theme of growing up.

We concluded that perhaps children didn't want to know how Peter became Peter Pan as it destroyed some of the magic. It is pitched at 5+ but this show is much better suited to 8+ who can better understand the themes and follow the format of fantasy and reality blending. It's definitely worth a look if you are interested in the back story of Peter Pan, but not for die hard Peter Pan fans who will fail to find the magic and adventure of the original.


Our young reviewers say:


"A show about Peter Pan but not the real story'" (aged 7 and 9) 


Reviewed on 2nd August 2019


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