Primary Times Children's Choice Awards review of Science Adventures


Our Primary Times' review:


Science Adventures is a lively, action-packed show that aims to inform children about science with storytelling, humour and lots of fun.

The set is immediately intriguing, a large machine takes centre stage with lots of levers and buttons, an emergency phone and a real working computer screen. SAM 2.0 is a computer built by the mad inventor to store stories about science, the last assistant was melted by the laser but now it’s been rebooted and is perfectly safe. Oh, until SAM deletes all the stories that is!

So the three enthusiastic scientists go about rebuilding the story collection, for this show they have 3 to tell. Each is on a different topic (space, evolution, and atoms) and each is acted out in a very accessible way as the scientists slip behind the screen and come out as a new character ready to act out their story. Lots of jokes, unexpected twists to the stories, and a fantastic guest appearance by ‘Brian Cox’ made this a fun 50 minutes.

The audience in the packed venue all seemed to love it, lots of laughs and a bit of audience interaction to finish it off. My daughter is 11 which put her towards the top of the recommended age for the show, and I think it is more suited to the younger crowd (under 10s maybe) but it is so much fun that if you’re looking for a family show to suit a span of ages you won’t go wrong with Science Adventure. The venue is very hot, so take your water bottle!


Our young reviewer says:


My 11 year old daughter said: “It was very fun and playful. My favourite bit was the story about Charlie, now I know more about tomatoes!”


Reviewed on 6th August 2019


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