Primary Times Children's Choice Awards review of Shakespearience


Our Primary Times' review:


What's not to love about this show? From the get go, the incredibly talented cast of three maintained high energy performances which really could not be faulted. In one hour, they slickly told the stories of MacBeth, Romeo and Juliet and Twelfth Night, effortlessly transitioning between multiple parts, showing great versatility of characterisation.

The scenery is a black stage. The costumes are simple. This show needs no gimmicks to capture the audience's attention; the fast paced plots, well crafted scripts and brilliant comic timing of the 'players' are all that are needed. The audience laughed all the way through this very child-friendly performance but there were moments of seriousness e.g. the deaths and Romeo and Juliet and some original dialogue interspersed throughout the performance. These would be very quickly followed by something hilarious and therein lies so much of the charm of this show; it really does not take itself too seriously.

No prior knowledge of Shakespeare is required to follow the plots (younger audience members will enjoy the songs, dances, playground jokes, media references, animated facial expressions and physical comedy) but for those of around 8 and over, this really is a fantastic introduction to Shakespeare. To tell you the truth, I preferred this version to the bard's original!


Our young reviewer says:


"It was so, so funny" - Harry, aged 6

"It was fantastically amazing!" - Sylvia, aged 9


Reviewed on 6th August 2019


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