Primary Times Children's Choice Awards review of Sparkle


Our Primary Times' reviewer said:


Sparkle is the story of a little boy’s first day at school - he enjoys dressing up in sparkly costumes and tutus, including a sparkly gown for his pet caterpillar Gilbert.

Sparkle heads off to school with lots of excitement to meet new friends and perform his show. Under the watchful eye of his mother, he meets some good friends, however he also comes across a bully who doesn’t like his sparkle. Despite Sparkles attempts to make friends, the bully continues to be horrible just because of what Sparkle wears.

Eventually Sparkle comes home not wanting to sparkle any more. It takes a wonderful transformation from Gilbert to show Sparkle and his mother that we are all unique in our own way. Culminating in a performance of Sparkles show at school where he lets all of his colours show.

It was a lovely gentle performance with an important message, funny and poignant, we all enjoyed it (children aged 5 and 7 years).


Our young reviewer says:


"I loved his dress at the end with all the lights and colours'" - Rebecca, aged 5


Reviewed on 4th August 2019


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