Primary Times Children's Choice Awards review of Splash Test Dummies


Our Primary Times' reviewer said:

Splash Test Dummies is a modern take on traditional circus skills. With an aquatic theme, the audience is treated to juggling, human pyramids and uni-cycling but not as you know it. Highly camp and often cute, the three performers are skilled in their art, both in circus skills and entertaining kids.

Be prepared to be part of the act as this is an interactive show with performers on laps and children on the stage. With hilarious nods to the 80s for the adults, there is plenty slapstick humour to keep your little ones entertained. The dialogue is minimal making it suitable for all languages. My 10 year old Martha was enthralled and spent much of the performance trying to work out 'how they did it.' Their costumes were bright and brilliant, dressed as traditional strong men, complete with silly moustaches.

There are some brilliantly original moments. Clara, my 7 year old particularly liked their inventive and original use of pool noodles. It did take a good 5 minutes to get going, but stay with it and you are in for an hour of fun.


Our young reviewers say:


"Old fashioned circus skills made funny." - Clara, aged 7


Reviewed on 3rd August 2019


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