Primary Times Children's Choice Awards review of Valentina's Galaxy


Our Primary Times' reviewer said:


Valentina's Galaxy is magical in every way. The venue is a large room in The Botanics at the end of the glass houses and the children follow the rockets through The Botanics to find it. The set is breath taking. It is vibrant yet calm, intriguing yet simple. The children spent a long time examining the set design. It takes adults and children alike into another world and opens the imagination.

The show has two beguiling main characters – two strong females on a mission to get into space and walk on the moon. The sound effects make everyone eager with suspense. A concoction of experiments and count downs to get to the moon commence. Information throughout such as ‘There have been 12 people walking on the moon to date’ fascinated my 6-year-old and the noises costumes, movement and sensations of space captivated my 3-year-old. At one point the bright moon comes down and dangles over the children’s heads. A parachute then appears and is covered in stars and goes up and down over the children’s heads. This was moving. There are opportunities to touch real space objects and the children take home experiment suggestions.

All in all, an innovative and lovely, enchanting, calm, magical show. A show adults and children will feel honoured to have experienced.


Our young reviewers say:


"I got to hold a real meteorite" - Oscar, age 6

"I got to touch the stars above my head - amazing!" Alexander, age 3


Reviewed on 16th August 2019


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