Primary Times Children's Choice Awards review of Viking


Our Primary Times' reviewer said:


This is the story of a weedy but very lovable Viking, Ragnarr Ragnarson who , in the words of his own mother is “terrible at everything.” Inspired by a charismatic and ancient Skald (storyteller), Ragnarr sets off on his adventure to find the Storymead in order to be able to become a Skald himself.

On his travels he meets a shipful of comedy baddies, a very stupid but rich dwarf, an utterly adorable bear cub and a good hearted dragon. The development of the ‘unlikely friendship’ between the bear and Ragnarr is portrayed very sweetly and allows us to get to know these two delightful characters better.

The talented cast of five deftly dip in and out of various roles. The strong characterisation, various accents and simple costume changes help younger members of the audience follow the action. The story is told in the style of a saga; with creative drama, mime, song and music. The stage is small and the scenery is little more than a black backdrop but this is in keeping with the genre.

This is not a belly-laugh kind of a show but each character brings a gentle humour and the whole experience is intimate and charming.


Our young reviewer says:


"I liked the bear the best."Harry, aged 6

"It was pretty funny; the dad was my favourite!" Sylvia, aged 9


Reviewed on 7th August 2019


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