Primary Times Children's Choice Award review of Shark in the Park


Our Primary Times' reviewer says:



"This show is exceptional as it has a perfect mix of song, dance, humour and variation. It is an absolutely classic story and this production is a mixture of all three books on the stage."


Shark in the Park had my 5 and 3 year olds utterly captivated for the full hour. They are big fans of the books and this production was true to the books which gave the children the confidence to join in.

The scenery was vibrant and varied. Timothy Pope and his Dad were so energetic and engaging on stage and used an excellent mixture of song, dance, humour and audience participation to keep all children (and adults!) in the theatre hooked from start to finish.

The change from 'Shark in the Park' to 'Shark in the Dark' to 'Shark in the Park on a Windy Day' is seamless and keeps show upbeat and fun. Granny was with us and had never read the books and utterly loved it - she especially enjoyed the adult Elvis Presley jokes and puns!

Thomas, aged 5, loved how they used disguises to pretend objects were sharks and Alexander, age 3, loved how Timothy Pope tricked his Daddy! This show is a classic and a must see for all children age 7 and under.


Our young reviewer said:

'This was the best show ever, much better than just reading the book on its own or going to the cinema' - Thomas, aged 5


Reviewed on 31 July 2019


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