Q1: Captain Smek, many have called you arrogant. What do you have to say about that?
1. It ain’t bragging if you can back it up.
2. Well, everyone in my family is tall.
3. Well, “many” are stupid. What do they have to say about that? Nothing. You know why? Because they’re stupid.
4. Well, if taking credit for the accomplishments of others and putting your face on every monument and naming everything including entire planets after yourself is arrogant… then I guess I’m guilty.
Q2: You changed many things about our planet. Do you have any regrets about what you did to some of the world’s greatest monuments?
1. Let me tell you something about regrets. Oh wait, I can’t because I don’t have any.
2. You should regret that tie.
3. You know, in order to regret something, you must first gret. I have never gretted. Therefore, I have no re-grets.
Q3: Captain Smek, as the leader, you are a hero to the Boov. Who are your heroes?
1. My hero is me in ten years. Also me, five years ago. And last week I was pretty good. Sometimes, when I think about me yesterday, I get chills.
2. Chuck Norris.
Q4: Captain Smek, leaders have to make many tough decisions. What’s one of the toughest you ever had to make?
1. Paper or plastic. I mean, they’re both delicious.
2. I don’t like garlic.
3. It was during the Great Famine on Smekland 5. My palace was full of food while the rest of the Boov were starving. And I remember thinking... should I have the chicken or the fish? I went with the fish. Also, even though I love fresh air, I closed the windows so I couldn’t hear them wailing. So loud. Rude.
4. When I decided that all Boov should wear a vest, but no pants. They called me crazy, but I think history has proven me right.
Q5: What surprised you most when you saw humans for the first time?
1. I think it was the two legs. How do you not fall over? So unbalanced.
2. That you have no color. You’re drab. There, I said it. You’re all some variation of beige. You run the gamut from light beige to dark beige, but it’s all beige. Boring.
Q1: You work in law enforcement, but Boov never break the law. Why did you pick a job where you have nothing to do?
1. I think you just answered your own question.
Q2: You describe yourself as a “mid-level traffic Boov.” What would you have picked if that job weren’t available?
1. Mid-level pastry chef. Or maybe mid-level firefighter. The key word is mid-level. Lower levels work too hard, and upper levels have too much responsibility.
2. I would like to sing the Blues the way they were meant to be sung.
3. Channel Nine Weather Girl.
Q3: As a member of the law enforcement community, do you feel that other Boov look up to you?
1. Only when I stand on a box.
Q4: We spoke to Oh earlier, and he told us that the two of you are very great friends. Talk about that.
1. (rising annoyance) He said that? What were his exact words? Do you know where he is right now?
2. Do you know how much trouble that Boov caused me? If he were here right now I would punch him in his stupid fat face. But yes, we’ve been friends for quite some time.
3. He follows me around, shows up wherever I work, and is constantly sending me internet jokes. If that is friendship then yes, we are great friends. (DING! of a text message arriving; Kyle looks at it) Oh look, here is another one. I will delete. (pause, chuckles) Actually, that one is pretty funny. I’ll forward it.
Q5 Police officers have to be in top physical condition. What do you do to stay in shape?
1. Police officers have to be in top physical condition?! Nobody told me that. Is that a new rule? My gym membership expired. It’s not my fault!
2. A lot of cardio, resistance training. Quite a bit of pizza.
3. The first decision you have to make is, which shape are you going to stay in? I picked pear.
4. I joined a gym, but I really hate it. Nobody ever wipes off the equipment after they use it, if you ask me it’s all a big pick-up scene… but what are you gonna do? I want to be healthy. Plus there’s a weight clause in our contract…
Q1: We’ve noticed that Boov change colors a lot, depending on their mood. What is your favorite color, and why?
1. My favorite color is 13. Or as you calls it, the “purple.” I likes it because it reminds me of my favorite human food, which is bacon.
2. We change colors?
3. Plaid. But never with stripes.
4. My favorite color is “invisible.” It is the color of my pants, do you like them?
Q2: Earth is only the most recent of the Boov’s many homes. Why did you leave your previous home world?
1. Our landlord kept raising the rent. In the long run, it is always better to buy.
2. We really likes to garden, and our last home planet had no yard.
3. Our last home planet was infested with snarlags. Snarlags are like ants, if ants weighed fifteen tons and ate Boovs like popcorn.
4. We were starting to outgrow it. Especially after the Gorg blew it up.
5. We dids not mean to leave it. We went away for the weekend and got lost coming back. The Nav on our spaceship is garbage.
Q3: The Boov consider themselves superior to humans. But having befriended Tip, is there something about humans that you now think is superior to Boov?
1. No.
2. Yes. Unlike Boov, when humans makes a mistake, they say they are sorry and take responsibility for what they have done. Well, except for human politicians. They would make excellent Boov.
3. Humans have far superior hair care products. Probably because Boov have no hair.
4. Well, I will tell you, I has been to many, many, planets, and you cannot get good pizza anywhere but here.
5. Your cat videos. So amazing. Such variety.
Q4: You and Tip traveled all around the world in your flying car. What was your favorite place on Earth?
1. The atmosphere. Sure, your ozone layer has holes, and it has a little too much carbon dioxide, but at least that keeps everything nice and green.
2. I loved Paris. Yes, there are a lot of tourists, and I was nearly arrested by Boovcops and erased by their bubble guns and nearly fell to my death from the top of the Eiffel Tower and… you know what? Never mind. I hated Paris.
3. I had a very nice time swimming in the Atlantic Ocean. It is full of natural beauty. The way the sunlight shines through the discarded plastic bottles as they drift over old tires and rusting barrels of sludge is something everyone should see.
4. I know everyone says this, but I liked the rest stop on I-95 just over the border in New Jersey. They have the most delicious motor oil in the gift shop. I can’t wait to go back.
Q5: The Boov were chased by your enemy, the Gorg, for many years. What can you tell us about the Gorg?
1. Fact: If you took every Gorg in the galaxy, and stacked them one on top of the other, the Gorg would kill you.
2. Despite their angry exterior, it is rumored that the Gorg are actually big fans of musical theater.
3. The Gorg has an unusual language. Their main verb is “Punch.” For example, instead of saying, “Please pass the salt,” a Gorg would say, “Give me the salt you insignificant worm, or I will punch you.”
4. I do not know many Gorg facts, but I doos know a Gorg joke. Here is: “How many Gorg does it take to change a light bulb?” Answer: “Please do not kill me! I will change it myself!”
Q6: Humans love to play and watch sports. Do Boov have sports?
1. We do! Our most popular sport is called “Stickyfish.” You takes a fish and puts it in the sun for a week. Then two teams take turns holding the stickyfish. The team that holds the fish the longest, loses.
2. Boov have a long history of sports. Our most ancient game was called “Touch the Tree.” Millions of years ago, Boov had gills and lived underwater. Some brave Boov made a game out of coming out on land, holding their breath, running over to a tree, then running back to the water again. Most of them died of asphyxiation, of course. It was not very good game.
3. We do not have sports. We mostly have game shows. The most popular is, “No, It Is Your Fault!”
4. Yes. Our most popular sport is competitive Hiding from Responsibility. It is kind of like your “Hide and Seek,” except when playing Hiding from Responsibility, players are never found. They often sell all their belongings, change their identity, and start a new life in another land, never to see those close to them again. I can tell you, when the game is on, we are glued to our TVs.
5. We has a game called Not That Ball. Two teams take the field, and a large number of balls of different sizes and shapes are placed between them. Players then argue over which ball to use, then eventually lose interest and go home to sit in their houses alone and play videogames.
Q7: How did the Boov learn to control gravity?
1. Like many scientific breakthroughs, it was a happy accident. A brilliant Boov scientist was working late at night, trying to figure out the secrets of gravitational physics, when he turned on his TV and learned that an even more brilliant scientist had already done it. He quit on the spot and opened a sushi bar, and is now much happier.
2. YouTube.
3. You just push the “anti-gravity” button. Every planet has one. I could tell you where yours is, but you’ll feel better if you find it yourself.
4. All it takes is practice. First get a large supply of things that are good for throwing, like eggs and priceless vases. Begin tossing them into the air, and eventually, after a few centuries, one of them will eventually stay floating. Fa-da! You can now control gravity.
Q8: What surprised you about humans when you saw them for the first time?
1. The eyebrows. Actually, hair in general. What is up for that? Alsos, why do older males often have no hairs on the top, but so many hairs in the ears?
Q1: You have a really interesting voice. Have you ever thought about singing?
1. That is so weird – why does everyone always ask me that?
2. Not really. Someday I want to be a veterinarian.
Q2: Before you became friends, what was it about Oh that made you trust him?
1. You just have to know how to read people. For instance, with Oh, whenever he lies, he turns green. So… that made it easy.
2. The fact that he tricked me.
3. The fact that I had no choice.
Q3: I know being separated from your mom was really hard, but would you say there was anything good about the Boov taking over the Earth?
1. Well, I did get to see Paris. And I got to drive a flying car. Oh yeah, and I never had to take my History final. Thank you, Boov!
2. You know, I did get back together with my mom eventually – did you watch the whole movie, or just half?
Q4: Why did you name your cat “Pig”?
1. Because he looks like a pig. Again, have you seen the movie?
Q5: Because of Oh, you have a flying car now. Are you going to keep it that way?
1. I want to, but my mom says that the insurance is too high.
Q5: What’s surprised you most about the Boov?
1. You mean, besides the fact that they have six legs, breathe through their ears, change colors, can turn off gravity, and drink motor oil? Nothing. They’re just like us.
Q6: Any advice on making friends with a Boov?
1. Yeah. Don’t put anything near them that you don’t want them to eat. I mean it. Your soda can, a pair of gloves, motor oil, decks of cards, your cell phone – seriously, they’re like goats.
Q7: Were you impressed with how well Oh, an alien, learned to speak human languages?
1. How well?! (laughs and laughs)
Q8: Your cat, Pig, and Oh seemed to get along very well. Why do you think that is?
1. Well, Oh has a big, flat head, so Pig could sleep on it. And – and I don’t want this to sound bad, but… Boovs smell a little like fish.
DreamWorks Animation’s HOME is out on Digital HD on 13th July and Blu-ray and DVD on 20th July
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