Enjoy a magical weekend at the Lincoln Ice Trail this December - a new event for 2023.


With sparkling installations, festive entertainment and plenty of Christmas joy, this brand new event is set to transform the city into a winter wonderland.

Taking place on the 9 and 10 December, the Ice Trail will bring a series of impressive ice sculptures to Lincoln. There will be 20 installations to track down across the city, many of which will be Lincoln themed, so look out for some familiar sights…

Ideal for families, this impressive ice trail is the perfect way to start your festive celebrations. You can soak up all the sights and sounds of the season under the new Christmas lights - with plenty of hot choccy stops along the way!

Christmas in Lincoln

​During the Ice Trail weekend, visit Castle Square where you will find a fantastic festive atmosphere filled with the smells, sounds and sights of a Lincoln Christmas.

There will be a traditional carousel in the Dean's Green at Lincoln Cathedral and FFN Lincoln will be serving traditional Glühwein throughout the weekend.

On Saturday, there will be stilt firewalkers at St Paul in the Bail from 5pm - 7pm. On Sunday, the Ice Trail will be brought to a close with two live fire shows; one at 5pm at St Paul in the Bail, and one at Minster Yard from 7pm. 

Live Demonstrations

Throughout the weekend, there will also be live demonstrations at Lincoln Cathedral. Taking place from 12pm – 3pm every day, these exciting live demos will give you the opportunity to see how these icy masterpieces are made.

Meet Elsa and Anna

As part of the Ice Trail, visitors will also have the chance to meet Frozen star’s Anna and Elsa. Elsa will be casting her magic over the city from 11am - 3:30pm all weekend, on Sunday it will be Elsa & Anna on the walk around between 11am- 3:30pm



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