World of Work - Spalding Parish Church of England Day School

For the past two years, Year 6 children at Spalding Parish have taken part in a ‘World of Work’ programme as part of their Key Stage Two curriculum. The aim of the programme is to provide children with clear and accurate aspirations about a career path from the age of 16. When they leave Spalding Parish Church of England Day School, children will have an understanding of the pathway to achieve their aspirations and understand what skills and knowledge they need at secondary school and beyond to help them achieve their goals.

To prepare them for life in the 21st Century, teachers and industry experts aim to equip children with the following life skills: collaboration, creativity, communication, critical thinking, problem-solving, digital skills, global citizenship and environmental stewardship.

The Year 6 project aims to draw together the learning from Key Stage Two in an entrepreneurial project. The children have worked together to set up a profitable Ice Lolly business and have used the knowledge and experience from this to set up their own ‘Make £5 Grow’ Businesses. They have carried out market research, visited places of work, interviewed industry experts, and created and presented a business plan with the ultimate aim of making a profit. The project draws on their skills and subject knowledge from across the Key Stage Two Curriculum.

Last week, children from Year 6 were given a place of work to visit in the local community. The businesses who supported the project brilliantly were: Springfields, Baytree, Coocumber, The Shoppe, Becca’s Ice-cream Parlour and Rookes. Each group was given a unique insight into the world of work, was able to explore how each business runs and ask a range of questions to support their next venture back in school. Pupils were able to share their findings across the groups and use these to plan and pitch their own businesses to a panel including Mrs Mulley (Head Teacher), Mrs Hill (Deputy Head Teacher) and industry experts from Springfields. Before the end of term, the children will run a career’s fayre for their parents, other pupils in school and industry experts. They then will open their businesses for the rest of the school to enjoy.

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