Looking for things to keep the kids occupied this October? Take advantage of Transport for Wales offer - under 16’s travel for free on their trains. This means you can have an even more enjoyable experience!
There’s so much to see and do ontheir network, from dramatic coastlines and historic landmarks to bustling market towns and country walks. So, this half-term make the most of your time together and travel for less when you go by rail.
Under 11’s can travel for free on Transport for Wales trains at any time and under 16’s off-peak when accompanied by a fare-paying adult (Standard class only).
Transport for Wales have partnered with attractions across Wales and the borders to make your half-term more affordable, like 2 for 1 entry at Cadw castles, 20% off at Plantasia Tropical Zoo, 20% off Welsh Mining Experience and many more with a same-day train ticket.
Make lasting memories this half-term, travel by rail.
Head to tfw.wales/kidsgofree to find out where their trains can take you.
T&C apply.
Hysbyseb- Primary Times
Mae plant yncaelteithio am ddimardrenauTrafnidiaeth Cymru.
Ydychchi’nchwilio am bethauigadw'r plant ynbrysurynystod mis Hydref? ManteisiwchargynnigTrafnidiaeth Cymru – gall poblifanc dan 16 oeddeithio am ddimareutrenau. Mae hynny'ngolygu y gallwchgaelhydynoedmwy o hwyl!
Mae cymainti'w weld a'iwneudareurhwydwaith, o arfordiroedddramatig a thirnodauhanesyddolidrefimarchnadprysur a theithiaucerddedgwledig. Felly, gwnewch y gorauo'chamsergyda'chgilydd yr hannertymorhwn a theithiwch am lai o arianwrthfyndar y trên.
Gall plant dan 11 oeddeithio am ddimardrenauTrafnidiaeth Cymru arunrhywadega gall poblifanc dan 16 oeddeithio am ddimynystodoriauallfrig, cyn belled â bod oedolynsy'ntalu am docynynteithiogydanhwyn y ddauachos (tocynnaudosbarthsafonolynunig).
Mae Trafnidiaeth Cymru wedicreupartneriaethgydagatyniadauledled Cymru a'rGororauiddarparucynigionsy’ngwneudeichhannertymorynfwyfforddiadwy, fel 2 docynmynediad am bris 1 tocynigestyll Cadw, 20% oddiardocynmynediadiSŵTrofannolPlantasia, 20% oddiardocynargyferTaithPyllau Glo Cymru a llawermwy, pan fyddwchchi’ndangostocyntrênar yr un diwrnodâ’chtaith.
Gwnewchatgofionfyddyn para oes yr hannertymorhwnwrthdeithioar y trên.
Ewchitrc.cymru/plant-i-gael-teithio-am-ddimiddarganfodble y gall eutrenaufynd â chi.
Mae Telerau&Amodauynberthnasol.
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