The Economy is a subject most adults find difficult to get their heads around, but now there is help, in the form of an ingenious new book on The Economy, created by a group of primary school children.

The book is the brainchild of Guy Fox History Project, a unique and visionary charity that brings business leaders together with children to help them learn big subjects the fun way – whatever their background. For this book, the charity brought experts from UBS and children from Brook Community Primary School together and the result is a simple to follow, picture-led book – ‘How the World REALLY Works: The Economy’ - created by children for children.

“Tackling a subject as complex as the Economy was an ambitious undertaking," said Kourtney Harper, Creative Director of Guy Fox History Project. “So we started with a simple concept – survival – and added to it bit by bit. The result is a book that empowers children to understand the world around them and inspires them to take an active interest in their future."

"UBS is absolutely delighted to partner Guy Fox History Project once again to help and support the production of 'How the World REALLY Works: The Economy'," said Nick Wright, Managing Director, Corporate Responsibility & Community Affairs, UBS. "We believe it will serve as a powerful educational resource for children and adults alike on a key topic. Produced in partnership and involving Guy Fox History Project Staff, students and UBS volunteers, the guide aims to meet the shared objectives of both Guy Fox and UBS: helping children to develop the skills they need in order to become empowered, productive, proactive adults - active and contributing members of society. Both content and production aim to develop a love of learning and encourage children to take an active role in shaping their world. UBS and Guy Fox have both long operated to these shared aims."

The book, part of the “How The World REALLY Works” series*, is packed with fun illustrations to explain The Economy in a step by step way. By the end of the book, your child (and you too!) will understand the basics, from the invention of money to modern fiscal policy, and everything in-between!

"How the World REALLY Works: The Economy" is out now and available to buy from and All proceeds are used for the production of more workshops and books for more children to learn complex subjects easily, and have fun doing it.

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