My first instrument: Where to start

Learning a musical instrument is an exciting and incredibly rewarding experience. There are tonnes of benefits to your child learning an instrument, and in an age where learning any instrument is possible, there are so many options available! This of course can make it pretty difficult to know where to start. These are our four favourite options for your child’s first instrument.

Learning the piano gives a child more than just a specific skill, but a deep understanding of musical concepts such as key, notes, scales, and timing. Not everyone has a piano in their house though, and getting one is pretty expensive, inconvenient, and often just not practical. Consider a keyboard instead in this case.

• Linear layout is easy to comprehend
• Many modern instruments are keyboard based
• Teaches your child a lot of musical concepts

• Pianos are expensive
• Not a lot of music is piano-based these days. This can make it hard for your child to really get into learning it

Alongside piano, guitar is probably the most common instrument for music beginners to learn. It’s incredibly versatile, used in a lot of music, and can be used as a solo instrument (as opposed to drums which are typically played with other instruments). The learning curve can be pretty steep though, especially for younger children with less developed fine motor skills.

• Affordable - you can pick up a guitar for under £100
• A good base to understanding how other instruments such as bass guitar or violin work

• Learning curve can be steep
• Some children have difficulties physically playing guitar

Drums are one instrument that is absolutely timeless. Even though a lot of modern pop music relies on drum machines or programmed drum parts, these can still be played on a traditional drum kit. Music always needs a rhythm section. The only problem with drums? They’re super loud!

• Good cardio workout
• Drums will always be used in music
• Gives your child the best possible understanding of rhythm and timing

• Doesn’t focus on melody, notes, scales and keys
• They take up a lot of room
• Can be expensive
• VERY loud

There aren’t many people who don’t agree that the violin is a beautiful instrument. Beginner violinists can be pretty difficult to listen to though, so if you don’t have a lot of patience you might want to steer your child away from this one.

If you can put up with the racket though, violin offers the perfect entry to orchestral music, as well as allowing your child to develop a thorough understanding of musical concepts beyond simply playing their instrument.

• Sounds very beautiful when players get better
• Develops a strong understanding of musical concepts

• Good violins are expensive
• You’ll have to put up with some pretty horrible sounding attempts to begin with

Where To Next?
Naturally, both your child’s age and interests should be taken into account. For example a 5 year old is going to have difficulties learning to play a full sized drum kit, so a more size-appropriate instrument may be a smart decision.

If they are old enough to have developed musical interests, then you should both consider the types of music they are interested in. If your kid loves pop or electronic music, violin might not be the instrument for them.

Don’t forget that vocals are an instrument too! Singing never goes out of style, it can be done anywhere, and doesn’t require any kind of purchase.

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