Young Climate Warriors

Helping children make a positive difference this Earth Day

Young Climate Warriors is a charity that was launched in 2019 to provide free, high quality resources on climate change for schools and families. Fun weekly challenges inspire ‘carbon-busting action’ around the home - helping children learn about climate change and discover new ways to live sustainably.

To coincide with Earth Day on 22 April, they are also launching a ‘Climate Change Club in a Box’ – a series of 10 off-the-shelf sessions for school clubs or eco-councils.

The weekly challenges and ‘Climate Change Club in a Box’ are creative, thought-provoking and positive, with lots of fun activities. Resources are ready-to-use, motivating and accessible for all.

Recent weekly challenges include:

1,000 children in over 200 schools around the UK have signed up to be Young Climate Warriors and 90 teachers receive their ‘weekly schools pack’. Together they are cutting carbon emissions and harnessing the power of collective action – working together as a team to respond to climate change.

Some quotes from children who are active Young Climate Warriors:

‘My favourite challenge is hard to decide, but I loved eating foods from the UK and emailing my MP.’

‘I like being part of Young Climate Warriors because I get to take part in challenges with other people.’

‘I am helping to make the world a better place.’

‘Young Climate Warriors is great because it helps us keep our special planet healthy.’

These are the views of some of the teachers who use the Young Climate Warrior challenges in their schools:

‘Fun and inspiring, full of positive messages.’ Caryn Madge, Kings College Junior School, Wimbledon

‘Joining Young Climate Warriors has really enhanced our curriculum.’

Nicole Pecchia, St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, Bath

Gets children excited and involved.’ Helen France, Aston Rowant Primary School

‘The challenges help embed these actions into our daily lives.’ Naomi Cansdale, Godstowe

‘Great for presenting the issues to pupils and parents without information overload.’

Kate Hampshire, Wimbledon Chase Primary

Help children feel part of something that makes a difference. Inspire hope for the future

Young Climate Warriors aims to help children feel part of something bigger – a team of children doing something to tackle climate change. By signing up on the website, undertaking the same actions in the same week as hundreds of other children, and by ‘Hitting the Red Button’ online when they have completed a challenge, they can develop a sense of solidarity with other children working towards the same goals.

How can families or schools get involved?

Families can sign up to receive the weekly challenge direct by email using this link:

Teachers looking for resources to share with their students can sign up for a free weekly schools’ pack, via this link:


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