Anti-Bullying Week: Harrow Pupils Use Education Technology To Make a Difference

Harrow school children have been celebrating Anti-Bullying Week by using the latest in educational technology to learn about friendships, kindness and how to stay safe online.

Pupils from St Bernadette’s Catholic Primary School took part in a week of special activities to mark the event, which included using digital resources from Discovery Education Espresso. Taking place in November each year, Anti-Bullying Week is a nationwide campaign to raise awareness of different kinds of bullying and empower children to make a difference.

St. Bernadette’s pupils began their learning by interacting with Discovery Education’s digital content focusing on friendship. Then, the children discussed what it means to be a good friend and took part in role play activities where they explored how to take a stand against unkind behaviour.

The theme of this year’s Anti-Bullying Week is ‘One Kind Word’ and this inspired some of the children to create a special Kindness Wall in their classroom. Year 6 pupils decorated the wall with their own ideas for ‘random acts of kindness’, which included smiling at friends, sharing games and even helping their parents around the house!

Year 6 teacher Julie Taylor said: “It was wonderful to see the children work together to take a stand against bullying. Discovery Education’s anti-bullying resources helped the children to explore real issues and prompted some serious discussion. Our pupils really opened up and talked about how it feels to be bullied, while coming up with their own ideas for sharing acts of kindness.”

Anti-Bullying Week was also celebrated by younger children at St. Bernadette’s, who learned about online bullying and how to stay safe when using the internet. The children used Discovery Education’s Online Safety resources to help them identify what cyber bullying looks like and build the skills to navigate the digital world safely and with confidence.

Sharing his thoughts at the end of Anti-Bullying Week, Year 2 Pupil Seanie said: “We need to be safe when we play games on the computer too and when we use the internet.”

And Year 4 Pupil George said: “You should always look out for cyberbullying as sometimes people can be unkind online. If this happens, we can tell our parents or a teacher at school.”

Class Teacher Roisin Burke said:  “Discovery Education’s resources helped the children to learn about online safety in an accessible way. We watched the videos and used the posters to help us think of important rules whenever we use a device. The children created a display of their own work, to show the importance of how we can stay safe on the internet and they’ve been learning about who they can trust online too.”

Discovery Education Espresso is an award-winning edtech resource for primary schools. With an expansive treasury of high-quality digital content which can be applied to any lesson, Espresso helps teachers to deliver interactive learning experiences that spark curiosity, make classroom activities livelier and give every pupil the opportunity to have their “light bulb” moment.

Discovery Education Espresso offers a vast array of anti-bullying and online- safety resources, spanning all primary key stages and subjects and including video, text, audio, images and interactive activities. Schools interested in a trial of the service can request one here.

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