Free family-friendly pine marten talk this January

Discover the world of Britain’s rare and elusive pine martens

On Sunday 22nd January 2023 wildlife charity Vincent Wildlife Trust will host a free, family-friendly online talk about one of Britain’s most elusive mammals – the pine marten.

The 30-minute entertaining talk ‘Meet the Pine Martens’ is designed to appeal to families with children, young adults, and anyone wanting to discover more about conservation, nature recovery and our native wildlife. You’ll hear from experts at Vincent Wildlife Trust (VWT) who will delve into the lives of these magnificent creatures and will uncover their past, reveal how they’re currently faring and detail how conservationists are helping them to make a welcome return to our woodlands.

Lizzie Croose and Dr Stephanie Johnstone from Vincent Wildlife Trust will talk about the history of pine martens, why they almost became extinct in the UK, and the ongoing work needed to save them. They will also cover all sorts of aspects of pine marten life, from where they live to why they need our help. There will be lots of opportunities to learn and ask questions, so if you’ve ever wondered what pine martens eat, or how many offspring (called ‘kits’) they have, now is the time to find out!

Pine martens were once widespread across Britain but were almost extinct by the start of the 20th century due to habitat loss and persecution. Yet despite being listed as Critically Endangered on the Red List for Mammals in England and Wales (2020), their populations are finally beginning to recover in new areas of Britain thanks to ongoing efforts by charities like Vincent Wildlife Trust.

Dr Stephanie Johnstone from Vincent Wildlife Trust who is speaking at ‘Meet the Pine Martens’, says: “Pine martens are a beautiful, native species, but many people have never seen or heard of them due to their shy nature and low population numbers. Until they become a more common sight in our woodlands again, our free online talk is a great place to learn more about these amazing mammals, and how local communities can help to bring them back to our countryside.”

‘Meet the Pine Martens’ is taking place at 4-4:30pm on Sunday 22nd January 2023. Attendance is free, and you can find out more and watch live via: . The event will also be livestreamed via Vincent Wildlife Trust’s Facebook and YouTube channel.

To find out more about pine martens and the work of Vincent Wildlife Trust, visit

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