Animal Adventures with Hamza Yassin

Venture into the animal kingdom as Primary Times speaks to wildlife cameraman, presenter and Strictly Come Dancing winner, Hamza Yassin, about educating children and the fun they can have exploring the great outdoors.

What are your top three favourite animals to film and photograph?

Gorilla, golden eagle, and starling. My favourite’s the gorilla. The golden eagle is the king of the sky, and the starling is the beautiful little bird that everyone sees but doesn’t really appreciate.

If you could be any animal in the world, what would you be and why?

A silverback gorilla! They’re handsome, beautiful, powerful creatures that share 98% of our DNA.

Were you interested in wildlife as a child, and is this important for children today?

A hundred percent, yes! I think kids need to understand the natural world. Knowledge is power. Educating the kids is so important because we’re part of the natural world and we belong in it. If I can help with teaching them to respect and understand our planet, then that’s a job well done.

How do you think families can get involved and explore the natural world together?

Go camping outdoors! Be in it, observe and enjoy it. Teach children about what you see and make it fun! Kids should be educated outdoors more – forest schools are phenomenal, especially for teaching in different ways. Get your cagoule on and go outside together. Education is the most important thing in a child’s development.

What advice would you give to children with a dream to work with animals when they grow up?

Follow your dream! I did every job there is before getting to where I am now, and I absolutely love getting paid to do my hobby. My advice is: find whatever you want to do and make it your career. Give it your all and include Mother Nature in it.

What’s been your favourite part of writing Hamza’s Wild World?

Being able to tell kids how cool the natural world is in fun and interesting ways. It’s a beautiful thing to be able to see my thoughts on paper and to give people a taste of my dyslexic brain too. Ranger Hamza took you on a personal guided tour!

What are your hopes for children and families that read the book?

To show how incredible our planet is and how easily accessible it can be with modern planes and trains, zoos, and safari parks, and animal rehabilitation centres. I hope that kids enjoy it and that they understand how incredible and fragile our natural world is. The book is a wonderful collaboration of everyone who has worked on it with me.

Are there any new ideas or projects that we should keep an eye out for?

World domination! There are a few wildlife documentaries coming up next year that we’re filming and I’m super excited to release this book! There are some interesting things hopefully on the horizon.

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