Discovery Education Unveils Special News Programme to Support Primary Schools’ Neurodiversity Week Observances

A special news programme to help schools observe Neurodiversity Celebration Week will be presented by global edtech leader Discovery Education this week.

The Neurodiversity News Bites Special will debut to UK primary schools on 20th March, via Espresso News — the award-winning news service for children. Produced in partnership with ITN Productions, Espresso News brings the world’s biggest stories into UK classrooms every day.

The Espresso News Bites Special will help teachers to meet PSHE curriculum goals by exploring what it means to be neurodivergent. This engaging new content will also empower children to recognise the benefits of neurodiversity while celebrating the fact that every child is unique.

To create the News Bites Special, a film crew from Espresso News visited Bure Park Primary School in Bicester, Oxfordshire. There, Presenter Claire Mewse interviewed pupils to find out their thoughts on neurodiversity.

Florence Rowell, 8, was asked about how our brains work in alternative ways. Florence explained that she and her friends have different ways of doing things and how they support and celebrate each other’s strengths in the classroom.

Head Teacher Sarah Moon said:
“When we were approached by Discovery Education to allow cameras into school to discuss Neurodiversity Week, I was very happy to say yes. The children had the opportunity to talk about neurodiversity, how our brains work and why neurodiversity should be celebrated. Plus, they saw a real life news crew in action and were part of the process. The children really enjoyed the experience and are very excited to see the finished result - we may even have a special screening of News Bites in assembly!”

Lizzy Lambley, Discovery Education’s UK Head of Production said:
“By teaching about neurodiversity, we can promote acceptance, understanding, and equality of opportunity for all children. Our Espresso News Bites Special will help schools to celebrate the different ways that we are all unique and to understand the challenges and strengths that come from neurodiversity. A special thank you to Head Teacher Sarah Moon and the entire Bure Park Primary School community for welcoming us and helping us create this important new resource.”

The Espresso News Bites Special can be viewed by subscriber schools from 20th March at In addition to this special, Discovery Education also offers a host of PSHE curriculum-aligned resources, to help pupils understand neurodiversity.
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