O’Dowd and Farry welcome southern universities’ move to boost admissions from the north

Education Minister John O’Dowd and Employment and Learning Minister Dr
Stephen Farry have welcomed the Irish Universities Association’s decision
to increase the points they award for A levels.

The move will make it easier for local school leavers to gain admission to
the seven southern universities.

Welcoming the development, Minister O’Dowd said: “This move by southern
universities is a positive step forward for local young people studying A
levels and I welcome it wholeheartedly.

“Trinity College Dublin, Dublin City University and the National University
of Ireland, Galway have already shown leadership by making several hundred
more places available for local students. With all the southern
universities now awarding more points for A levels, local students are even
better positioned to compete for places with their southern counterparts
who have studied the Leaving Certificate.

“The Irish Universities Association will benefit from the deep pool of
talent that exists within local young people studying for A levels. I hope
to see this development deliver greater access to the southern universities
for local young people in the coming years.”

The Central Applications Office will, from September 2016, increase the
points awarded for an A* grade at A level from 150 to 180. The points for
an A will increase from 135 to 150, while other A level grades will
increase by between five and 10 points.

Employment and Learning Minister Dr Stephen Farry said:  “I welcome this
development and appreciate the efforts of the Irish Universities
Association in agreeing this position.  Cross- border co-operation and
undergraduate mobility between institutions in the north and south of
Ireland are important from an economic, social and cultural perspective.
This development increases the opportunities for students from Northern
Ireland to study in the Republic of Ireland.

“My Department’s careers advisers have already been updated on this
information and are available to provide advice and guidance to young
people to help them make informed decisions about the range of options
available to them.”

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