UNICEF award for St Patrick’s Primary School

St Patrick’s Primary School in Belfast is the latest school in Northern Ireland to be awarded the prestigious Quality Mark Award from UNICEF for being a Rights Respecting School.

The award is in recognition of the school putting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child at the heart of the school’s planning and ethos to improve well-being and develop every child’s talents to their full potential.

“The children have been learning about their rights at whole school assemblies and through their class charters as well as developing a stronger sense of their responsibility to respect the rights of others and of the need for children’s rights to be realised everywhere,” said Acting Principal Julie McAuley.

“The children have been participating in social justice and sustainability programmes through Trócaire, the Shoebox Appeal and the Outright Campaign as part of their Rights Respecting Schools Journey.”

Local boxing hero Paddy Barnes MBE joined pupils, parents, governors and guests to present the award to the school’s Rights Respecting Pupil Ambassadors, alongside David McGimpsey from UNICEF Northern Ireland.

Mrs McAuley added: “I would like to thank everyone who helped galvanise the efforts of our whole school community, whose teamwork played a huge part in winning this prestigious award.”

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