Pre-School and Primary One Admissions for September 2017

Stage One of the pre-school admissions process ended on 27 April 2017. At this date a total of 22,066 (97.0%) children were placed, with 88.0% offered a place at their first preference setting. Stage Two of the pre-school process commenced on 28 April 2017 and ends on 9 June 2017. Information on the Stage Two process is available to parents at  

The primary one admissions process ended on 27 April 2017. At this date a total of 24,008 (99.25%) children were placed, with 97.0% offered a place at their first preference school. 

Parents who were unsuccessful in obtaining a pre-school place at the end of stage one or a primary one place for their child have received notification from the Education Authority (EA) advising that they can nominate further preferences. A list of providers/schools that may have places available can be found on the EA website at

Parents should be mindful of the admissions process deadline dates which are outlined within all communications from EA

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