Official Opening of Limavady GS Fitness Suite and 2G Multi-Purpose Pitch

Pupils and staff at Limavady Grammar School had good reason to celebrate the end of term, with the official opening of their new fitness suite and 2G multi-purpose pitch.


The new sports facility, which represents an investment of £363,000 secured through the Department of Education Minor Works Programme incorporates an extension and refurbishment to provide a fitness suite and wheelchair accessible changing room and refurbishment of the existing shale hockey pitch.

Principal Nicola Madden extended a warm welcome to all in attendance. She said,

“As a school we strive to provide the best education that we can for the young people in our care; in the classroom, in academic work, on the sports field and in establishing a healthy attitude to health and fitness. The facilities you see here today will help us go a long way towards achieving that goal.”

The new fitness suite boasts a range of cardiovascular and strength resistance machines including treadmills, static bicycles, cross trainers, rowers and a dedicated weights lifting area. The hard wearing all weather pitch will allow Limavady GS to continue its proud tradition in participative sports.

The event was officially opened by EA Chairperson Sharon O’Connor, she added,

“It is obvious that every effort is made by the school to ensure that pupils’ full learning potential is achieved by developing young people’s strength and talents in the field of sports. Getting fit and being active improves the health and well-being of pupils creating a better place for pupils to learn and flourish in. These new facilities will provide greater access for all to the full Northern Ireland Curriculum in PE, sports and competitive games.”

The event was also attended by special guest and former Principal Robert Wilson who was delighted to be back at the school to see at first hand the splendid facilities.

In his opening remarks, he referred to a study, of about 5,000 children, in 2013, which found links between exercise and exam success in English, Maths and Science. He concluded by quoting one of the leaders of the study, Dr Josie Booth;

“Physical activity is more than just important for your physical health. There are other benefits and that is something that should be especially important to parents, policy-makers and people involved in education.”

Chairman of Limavady Grammar School Robert Alcorn expressed his appreciation and thanks to the Education Authority and paid tribute to EA officers and to all involved in the provision of the top class fitness facilities.

The event was marked with the Hockey Team invited to play on the 2G pitch and a ribbon cutting ceremony.

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