Changes to Transfer and Open Enrolment Applications Process

1. Changes to structures with effect from 1 September 2017


The Transfer and Open Enrolment function within the Education Authority (EA) has been restructured commencing 1 September 2017.

From 1 September 2017 the transfer and open enrolment work currently carried out within five local offices will be undertaken in three locations with each of the three responsible for a single phase of admissions.

a) All Pre-school admissions will be processed by the Omagh Office. Queries in relation to     pre-school admissions should be directed to 028 8225 4536 or email

b) All Primary applications will be processed by the Armagh Office. Queries in relation to primary admissions should be directed to 028 3741 0082 or email

c) All Transfer applications (from primary to post primary) will be processed by the Ballymena Office. Queries in relation to post primary admissions should be directed to 028 2566 1252/028 2566 1379 or email  The Ballymena office will also deal with applications for Transfer at 14+ (The Dickson Plan).

d) Parents applying for admission of their child to a school other than at Year 1 or Year 8 (or Year 11 in the Dickson Plan) will continue to apply directly to the school(s) of his/her preference. A copy of the response issued to the parent should be sent to the relevant office listed at (b) or (c) above.        

Over recent years there has been significant harmonisation in practices across the regional Transfer and Open Enrolment offices.  Whilst each of the admissions procedures will remain largely unchanged for the forthcoming cycle, Transfer Officers (in association with the Department of Education where necessary) will seek to continue to improve processes and reduce bureaucracy where possible.

2.  Transformation of procedures for admissions for September 2019 onwards

EA is looking to redesign services so that online transactions become the primary means for citizens to conduct business.  It is envisaged that parents will be able to apply online for admission to primary school in September 2019, with online applications for pre-school and post primary to follow for the 2020/21 school year. This work will seek to transform citizen-facing services in a way which improves and simplifies applications for both parents and schools/pre-school settings using electronic means. Schools and other providers will be kept informed of developments on this matter.

3.  Other services currently provided by the Transfer and Open Enrolment Offices

The Transfer and Open Enrolment offices deal with a variety of other matters e.g. pre-school administration and components of the suspensions and expulsions procedure.  Further information has already been issued on new arrangements for the administration of the Pre-School Education Programme.  Updates on the other services will be issued as necessary.

The names of the Transfer Officer in charge of each of the procedures are detailed below, if you need to contact them.

Pre-School Admissions

Mairead Kerr

Tel: 028 8225 4536

Primary Admissions

Mairead Maguire

Tel: 028 3741 0082

Post Primary Admissions

Maxine Harris

Tel: 028 2566 1252 / 028 2566 1379

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