Education Authority launches ‘eaThink Data’ Campaign

The UK government recently announced that it will implement the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a new law relating to Data Protection, which will have direct effect in UK law from 25 May 2018. GDPR will impact all organisations, including public authorities and schools.

The new GDPR legislation, a regulation by which the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission will replace the existing 1998 Data Protection Act and intends to strengthen and unify Data Protection for all individuals within the European Union (EU).

GDPR is the biggest change to Data Protection law in the UK in 20 years. While the principles are similar to those in the Data Protection Act 1988, there are some additional requirements that organisations within the UK and Northern Ireland need to be aware of. 

To ensure that staff, schools, governors and the wider education sector are prepared to meet the requirement of the government’s new legislation the Education Authority (EA) has launched the ‘ea Think Data’ campaign.

This awareness campaign has been developed to help equip the education sector and to ensure key stakeholders are prepared to comply with the new law.  

In partnership with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO), the ‘ea Think Data’ campaign will see the launch of a series of online webinar broadcasts. The first entitled ‘Get Ready for GDPR’ will be broadcast online here on Thursday 5th October 2017 at 15:00. Participants will be prompted to pre-register before accessing the webinar. 

The webinar presented by former BBC Northern Ireland presenter Sarah Travers will play host to Shauna Dunlop, Regional Manager at ICO who will communicate a concise informative broadcast and present a practical guide that outlines ‘six key themes’ surrounding GDPR relevant to the EA and wider education sector.

You will also be able to follow the ‘ea Think Data’ conversation on Twitter in the run up to the launch of the webinar using the #eaThinkData hashtag.

The ‘ea Think Data’ webpage has been developed to act as an online hub for all staff, schools, governors and education sector stakeholders.

It will provide training material that will support the online webinar series. A downloadable version of all webinar productions and support material will be made available on this webpage.  

As an educational body with responsibility for significant amounts of personal data, it is important that we all start preparations now to ensure we meet the required standard of compliance ahead of May 2018.

If you have any questions relating to the implementation of the new GDPR legislation please email and a member of our team will endeavour to assist with your enquiry.   

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