Pre-School and Primary Admissions – September 2018


At the close of Stage One of the procedure, a total of 22,118 (96.72%) children were placed with 87.83% being offered a place at first preference.  Stage Two of the pre-school process commences on 27 April 2018 and ends on 8 June 2018. Information on this stage is available to parents on the website link below. 

Further information is available here.




At the close of the primary admissions process, a total of 23,571 (99.47%) children were placed with 97.19% being offered a place at first preference. 


Further information is available here.


Notification of placement – Pre-School and Primary


Parents should receive written notification of the outcome of their application on Friday 27 April 2018.  Letters were issued by primary schools and preschool providers to the parents of those children they are admitting. The Education Authority has written to the parents of children who have not yet secured a place for September 2018 advising them of the action they should take now.        


Contact details:     


Pre-School:                 028 8225 4536


Primary:                   028 3741 0082    

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