Barnardo's NI comment in response to NICCY Review

Barnardo's Northern Ireland Director, Lynda Wilson, said:

"We welcome the 'Still Waiting' review and the work carried out by the Commissioner and her office. Mental health and wellbeing is a key area of concern for Barnardo's Northern Ireland, and this report is both timely and important.

"It is vital that young people can access the mental health support they need, when they need it, to prevent the escalation of problems. However, the review highlights a number of issues in relation to access and waiting times.

"Barnardo's Northern Ireland is a strong advocate of early intervention to prevent the development or worsening of poor mental health in children and young people. This means investment and service delivery at the earliest stage, including through the provision of counselling in primary schools, and an emphasis on building resilience and emotional literacy.

"We support the Commissioner's calls for reform, and urge that that this includes a review of the Stepped Care Model to identify opportunities for more effective earliest stage interventions and better joined-up partnership working to support improved outcomes."

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