€28million cross-border Shared Education project launches new website

The CASE (Collaboration and Sharing in Education) Peace IV Project, funded by the EU’s Peace IV Programme recently launched its new website at www.sharededucation.org.uk and www.sharededucation.ie

CASE, a project managed by the Education Authority (EA) in NI in partnership with Léargas in the Republic of Ireland (ROI), targets primary and post-primary schools across Northern Ireland and the border counties. 

Through the creation of school partnerships CASE works to build a culture of good relations amongst children and young people and supports school improvement and enhanced educational outcomes for all. Funding of €28.9 million was secured from SEUPB and match funding from the Department of Education NI and the Department of Education & Skills ROI.

377 schools engaged in delivering shared education through 163 school partnerships through the CASE project.  This year 25,000 pupils will be taking part in shared classes and their teachers will have the chance to access shared training and development opportunities.

The newly launched website replaces the previous temporary CASE website.  Designed by BT48 web designers in Belfast, the new site offers improved functionality and enhanced content.  

All CASE schools will be provided with specific log in details which will permit access to a special participant only area. The website will also cater for other schools or members of the public who simply want to find out more about Shared Education, and its context both north and south of the border.

Frances Donnelly, CASE Programme Manager commented:

“We are excited about our new website launch and the robust information it provides for partnership users, those with an interest in Shared Education, and parents and young people.

Positive communication is at the heart of Shared Education and we are delighted to have enhanced our web platform to communicate more effectively.”

The new website will be updated on a regular basis with news from CASE partnerships, relevant information about Shared Education and events. Visitors are encouraged to explore the website and use the ‘contact us’ email form if they require additional information or advice.

Principal Greig Savage, from Lisnadill Primary School in Armagh said:

“Both Lisnadill Primary School and our partner school St Francis of Assisi Primary School were very impressed when we trialed the new CASE website.

The clean look and functionality of the portal part of the site will save time for our partnership which is always very valuable in school life!”

For more information visit the CASE website at www.sharededucation.org.uk and www.sharededucation.ie or follow CASE on Twitter at @CASEshared.

This project is supported by the European Union's PEACE Programme, managed by the Special EU Programme Body.

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