Big Lunch competition in Northern Ireland

The Big Lunch is running an art and poetry competition open to people of all ages across Northern Ireland with prizes of £25 in vouchers for a range of age categories and £100 for the overall winner.

To enter, just mail in an image or a poem to be used on one piece of bunting, using words and/or images, that show what community means to you. The shortlisted images will be shared on social media and printed onto a string of bunting that will brighten up community events across Northern Ireland for years to come. Community groups and schools are welcome to submit multiple entries, in one envelope or email.

Winners will be chosen by Irish story teller, Liz Weir MBE, and Grainne McCloskey and Niamh Scullion from The Big Lunch Northern Ireland.

The Big Lunch is an initiative from the Eden Project and National Lottery that connects people and encourages friendlier, happier and safer neighbourhoods. The Big Lunch invites everyone to take part on the first weekend of June every year, to join the millions who get together to share food and fun with their communities annually on the first weekend in June. Your community may be your neighbourhood, school, community group or just a few friends.

Register online for a free starter pack or find out more at

To enter the competition:

Entries must be all your own work – visual art, poetry or mixed format - that conveys what community means to you. It should be no larger than A5 landscape and must be received by 7pm on the 6th of May 2019:


Each entry should be clearly marked on its reverse side with:

  1. Entrant’s name.
  2. Age category entered: Up to 7yrs; 8-10; 11-17; 18+years. If you are under 18, please provide parents name and signature of consent.
  3. Name of community group or school if appropriate, with address inc. postcode, email, and contact number. Also teacher’s name if appropriate.


Schools and groups please send multiple entries in one envelope/email. Entries from individuals are also accepted. If you email please send downloadable files and we will confirm receipt. Personal data will only be used for the purposes of the competition. The judges’ decision is final.

Submit your entry by email to:

or by post to:

Grainne McCloskey - The Big Lunch Competition

C/o National Lottery Communities Fund,

1 Cromac Quay Belfast, BT7 2JD

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