Local school teams up with PCSP to tackle traffic

Mid and East Antrim Policing and Community Safety Partnership (PCSP) and the PSNI have been working with Acorn Integrated Primary School to tackle traffic issues outside the school.

New road safety signs are going up outside the school, the PSNI are holding a road safety workshop for all the pupils to get involved and they’ll also work together to design new road safety posters.

Acorn Integrated Primary and Nursery School sits in a busy residential area and the little parking can cause congestion. This means it can be quite difficult to cross the road safely – so this initiative hopes to tackle that by raising awareness with both the school kids and their carers.

This project will also have an important positive impact on those living near the school. It is hoped that residents will see all the hard work the school is doing to try and help alleviate the traffic at busy times during the day.

Newsletters with road safety advice go out to parents and carers and a ‘Park and Stride’ is in place with the local church.

School Principal, Mrs Clodagh Webb says: “Although road safety will be an ongoing project for the school, by the end of this campaign, we hope that by engaging with pupils, staff, parents and local residents, it will increase their awareness of the importance of road safety. We hope that drivers will see the signs and get on board with the message that this is all about safety for the kids and residents.

“Acorn Integrated Primary School has really welcomed this initiative and is encompassing the project with its curriculum as the children will be utilising their artistic, literacy and IT skills.”

PSNI Inspector Trevor Atkinson added; “It is important that all pupils can travel to and from school safely and everyone has a responsibility to make this happen. We welcome this opportunity to engage with the school and wider community around safer parking and road safety in the area.”

For more information go to www.midandeastantrim.gov.uk/PCSP

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