Northern Ireland: News - August 2019

news item

Rory Best Calls on Families to Get One of Their Five a Day

27th August 2019

Rory Best Calls on Families to Get One of Their Five a Day and Take on the ‘Forest Feast Super Wild Challenge’   Ireland rugby captain and father of three, Rory Best, is calling on families across Northern Ireland to take on the ‘Forest Feast Super Wild Challenge’ –...

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​Mayor urges residents to sign up to Organ Donation Week

26th August 2019

The Mayor of Mid and East Antrim, Cllr Maureen Morrow is urging all the borough's residents to sign up to donate as part of Organ Donation Week 2019, which runs from 2-8 September. Last Year 9 patients died waiting for an organ transplant and a further 35 were taken off the list because of deteriorating...

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EA congratulates A Level and AS Level students on results day

15th August 2019

Chair of the Education Authority (EA), Sharon O’Connor has been congratulating students, as they receive their AS and A Level exam results today.     “Today is an important day for students and their families, teachers, and schools across Northern Ireland. We are proud...

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Ould Lammas Fair

7th August 2019

Four fabulous days are set to be had in Ballycastle at the annual Ould Lammas Fair this year. The oldest show in Ireland will start with the ever popular heavy horse show parade and vintage tractor display through the town on Saturday 24thAugust. Following on the success from last year, the fun...

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SuperCupNI hailed as a great result

7th August 2019

This year's STATSports SuperCupNI has been praised as "one of the best to date" following the week-long festival of football. Many of the best youth teams and players from around the world showcased their skills on pitches throughout Mid and East Antrim during the prestigious competition...

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Sperrins & Killeter Walking Festival dates confirmed for 2019

3rd August 2019

Locals and visitors are invited to discover the beauty, tranquillity and hospitality of the Glenelly and Killeter Regions when the Sperrins and Killeter Walking Festival returns on 14th and 15th September 2019.   The festival, a must for experienced and novice walkers alike, has gone from...

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