​Mayor urges residents to sign up to Organ Donation Week

The Mayor of Mid and East Antrim, Cllr Maureen Morrow is urging all the borough's residents to sign up to donate as part of Organ Donation Week 2019, which runs from 2-8 September.

Last Year 9 patients died waiting for an organ transplant and a further 35 were taken off the list because of deteriorating poor health. By signing the register and talking to your family about your wishes you could help save the lives of up to seven people.

Mayor Cllr Maureen Morrow said: "Most people would accept an organ if they needed one, yet only 45% of us have signed the NHS Organ Donor Register. I am urging all the residents across Mid and East Antrim to sign up to donate and help save lives.

"Most of us are familiar with the need for kidney transplants, but transplants are regularly carried out on the heart, liver, lungs, pancreas and small bowel. Tissue such as corneas and heart valves can also be donated and transplanted.

"It only takes 5 minutes to register and it could mean the difference between life and death for many families across the country."

If you want to help, the easiest thing to do is simply sign the Organ Donor Register.

You can register at www.organdonationni.info or by calling the NHS Donor Line T: 0300 123 23 23. Lines are open 24 hours a day all year round.

In the event of someone's death, families give final consent for organ donation to take place, so whether you've signed the register or not, it's very important to talk to your loved ones about what you want.

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