Last chance to have say on development of new Play Plan

Local people are reminded that there are just a few days left to give their views on the development of future play park provision across Derry and Strabane.

The consultation closes on January 20th and is part of Derry City and Strabane District Council’s Play Plan strategy to improve facilities for local children giving them access to open spaces and high quality play equipment.

A series of meetings have already taken place in recent weeks to engage community groups, local politicians, and the public to seek their views on how the strategy should be shaped.

As the deadline now approaches anyone who wishes to contribute their views is urged to submit them now to help meet the needs of children of all ages and abilities right across the City and District.

Play Development Officer with Council, Helen Turton, said: “The improvement of play provision is a priority for Council and one of a number of objectives outlined in the Strategic Growth Plan for Derry and Strabane that will help improve the lives of Children and Young people living here.

“Children have the right to be able to play and enjoy the freedom and health benefits of open spaces and play facilities, especially in built up and deprived areas. We want to focus our efforts on identifying where these facilities are needed most and we need the help of local communities to ensure we can develop a targeted and effective strategy.”

A detailed audit will be carried out as part of the Play Plan process and full review of all current play facilities. A number of areas will be considered including barriers to play and the impacts of social deprivation, as well as exploring the needs of specific groups of children and young people including those with a disability. It will also agree a methodology, rationale and development criteria to guide future investment of fixed play provision

You can record your views online by filling in the survey available before January 20, 2020 the Council website at:

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