Council wins 'Excellence in Environmental Sustainability' award

An ongoing campaign by Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council's Environmental Resources team has received a prestigious Local Government award.

The LiveSmart initiative was the overall winner in the 'Excellence in Environmental Sustainability by a Local Authority' category at an event held in Belfast on Thursday 20th February.

The annual awards are co-ordinated by NILGA and the Association of Public Service Excellence (APSE). This year they attracted 58 entries and showcased brilliance in service provision, new initiatives and the personal commitment from councils, councillors, staff and partners.

Offering his congratulations, the Mayor of Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Councillor Sean Bateson said: "This award is richly deserved by Council's Environmental Resources team, who have shown innovation and creativity with their LiveSmart campaign. By working alongside residents, businesses, schools and the wider community, LiveSmart encourages all of us to make different choices for the benefit of the wider environment. This includes cutting down on food waste, swapping single use plastics, and taking responsibility for litter in our locality. By winning this award, Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council has shown it is leading the way in supporting more sustainable lifestyles, and I am very pleased that our collaborative approach has received this recognition."

To find out more about the different aspects of LiveSmart go to

The Environmental Resources team is keen to talk to any business, groups or individuals who are interested in being a part of LiveSmart. To find out more or to discuss your ideas email or ring 028 2766 0248.

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